2~Charity ball.

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"Alex please tell you you brought something nice?" Kara asked her sister. She didn't have anything nice to wear to the Charity Ball.

"Yes, I did, here go change" Alex said handing her a very large back bag.

"Yes, I did, here go change" Alex said handing her a very large back bag

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Kara's first choice.

She walks out and shows Alex. "You look so beautiful" Alex said happily.

"I like it, it's nice and soft too" Kara said. She spun and went back into the bathroom to change.

Kara's second choice

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Kara's second choice.

She walked out and showed Alex. "This one" they both said. Now it is time for her to do her hair.

Kara's hairstyle

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Kara's hairstyle.

"Kara it's like watching you go to prom all over again" Alex said. Kara laughed.

"It's not prom, it's a charity ball" Kara replied. Alex helped her sister get in the car and drove her to the ball. They listened to music on the way there so Kara could calm her nerves.

"Thanks for the ride Al, I'll see you later" Kara said. As she walked into the ball she over heard someone's conversation.

"I bet you Supergirl is here, events like this always have her protection. Kara scoffed.

"Keira you made it, and you already know Ms.Luthor" Cat said leaving the two alone.

"Kara" She corrected Cat quietly.

Lena's gown

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Lena's gown.

"You know there's no record of you from before you were 13 here, whys that?" Lena asked.

"I wasn't born here," Kara said trying to walk away.

"That doesn't explain the 13 year gap of missing information on you" Lena pushed. Kara rolled her eyes.

"And your point is?" Kara asked. Lena scoffed.

"You're hiding something" Lena pushes once more.

"You know what I'm hiding, I was born in Russia and lived there until I was 13!" Kara said angrily. Thankfully I'm fluent in Russian, Kara thought to herself.

"Why leave a perfectly good country?" Lena asked in a petty tone.

"I don't have time for you or your games so why don't you stick to your group of people and I'll stick to mine!" Kara said hatefully. Her face reddened with anger. Even the CEO was scared. Kara stormed off and walked into the little office space Winn and her do super stuff in.

1."Ya skuchayu po tebe , Mama" Kara said in Russian.

"What does that mean?" Lena asked.

"N-Nothing," Kara replied. Lena raised her eyebrows. "Don't you know when to leave people alone?" Kara asked.

"Look I know I upset you and I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" Lena apologized.

"That doesn't mean anything and you know it" Kara replied.

"You're right, I hate you, I despise you, I don't think I could ever apologize to you for anything!" Lena said just as hatefully as Kara had spoken earlier.

"Do you expect some type of reaction out of me?" Kara asked.

"No, why would I?" Lena scoffed. Kara rolled her eyes.

"I don't know, but you're not allowed up here" Kara said. "You need to leave" she demanded.

"I don't take orders from people like you, but I'll leave because if I spend anymore time in here with you, I might hurt you" Lena said as she turned to leave. When Lena left Kara closed and locked the door. She took out the last picture taken of her and her parents.

2."My skoro snova budem vmeste" Kara said finally letting the tears slip down her face. She cried in peace for a few minutes and then calmed herself down. This week was the anniversary of her parents death. She needed to go home. She went and found Ms.Grant, who of course was with Lena.

"Ms.Grant, I have to leave early" Kara informed her boss.

"No, no you're not, you will stay until this thing ends" Cat ordered her. Kara sighed and walked away. She saw Alex outside and went to talk to her.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I just want to go home," Kara answered. Alex unlocked her car. They started walking when they heard a voice.

"Keira if you get in the car you're fired!" Cat said. She looked at Alex.

"Then I guess I'm fired" Kara said with no emotion what so ever. She turned and got into the car with Alex.

"Keira!" Cat yelled. Kara ignored her. After all that wasn't even her name.

"Do you know what you just did?" Alex asked. Kara nodded.

"I freed myself from a party that was preventing me from mourning my parents" Kara replied.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me it was this week?" Alex asked.

"Because I thought that I could just have one day without feeling the way I do, feeling like I should've died along side them" Kara responded.

"Kara don't think like that, you are were you belong" Alex said.

"Thank you," She said reaching over to hug her sister. "What would I do without you?" Kara asked.

"What would I do with out you Kara?" Alex asked. They drove off and spent the night together, eating all of Kara's favorite things. And watching her favorite shows.

1.= I miss you mom.
2.= we will be together again soon.

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