19~I love you too, but i'm scared to let you love me.

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8 weeks later.

The more time Kara and Lena spent together, the more they fell in love with each other. They only separated when they had work. They stayed at each other's apartments every night and even announced they were in a relationship. "God I love you," Kara whispered softly as she played with Lena's hair. Lena's eyes shot open, causing Kara to jump back. "You opened your eyes really fast!"

"W-what did you say?" Lena asked knowing fully what Kara had said. "I also wasn't sleeping, but what did you say?" She asked again.

"I said I love you," Kara said a lot quieter this time. She looked down, not knowing if Lena was ready to hear her say it, or to tell her she loved her back.

"I love you too, but I'm scared to let you love me," Lena responded. Kara looked back up and met Lena's eyes.

"Why? Because you're a Luthor?" Kara asked. Lena nodded. Kara grabbed Lena's face. "Don't you ever  think that your last name will be a game changer  in this relationship because it isn't!" Kara said, keeping Lena's focus on her.

"I love you," Lena said through the smile Kara gave her.

"I love you too." Kara replied. She kissed Lena until she complained of hunger.


After Kara made breakfast for both of them, they made their way to the couch. Lena has control over the tv this morning and chose to watch the vampire diaries. Kara had no complaints.

"We interrupt you scheduled programs at the sight of a unknown flying source," a news reporter said. Before the reporter could say more a Kryptonian pod crashed through Kara's window, causing her to jump to protect Lena.

"What the hell was that?" Lena asked. She noticed the pod in the living room and followed Kara to it.

"I-it's a Kryptonian pod," Kara replied. Lena's widened her eyes.

"But I thought you said everyone was dead?" Lena asked.

"They are," Kara responded.

Yikes. I wrote this five days ago and forgot to post it. Lmao. My mental health =☠️

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