3~Realization hits hard.

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The next morning Kara woke up in her bed still wearing last nights dress. "Oh Rao, I have a head ache" she said aloud to herself. She went to the bathroom and saw her mascara streamed down her face, she had cried herself to sleep again. she walked over to her closet to get ready for work. That was when it hit her, she practically quit. "No! Why did I do that?" Kara was mentally slapping her self for being so stupid. She called Alex. "Why didn't you stop me?" Kara said.

"Stop you from what?" Alex asked.

"From walking away from my biggest chance to be a reporter!" Kara heard silence.

"I'll be there soon" Alex said. Kara hung up and started pacing her kitchen, still wearing last nights dress. Then there was a knock at the door.

"That was quick, " Kara said as the door flew open. To her surprise it was Cat at the door. "Oh my gosh, Ms.Grant what are you doing here?" Kara said fishing to grab her glasses.

"Telling my assistant to get the hell to the office now!" Cat said.

"B-But you fired me?" Kara replied. Cat rolled her eyes.

"I know and I shouldn't have fired you, plus I can't get things done right with out you in the office because you do things right and they always end up done" Cat rambled.

"Alright, just let me get dressed and I will be at the office soon," Kara replied.

"Make it snappy, Supergirl" Cat said. Kara's eyes widened.

"What, Ms.Grant I-I'm not her," Kara tried her best to lie.

"Okay, and Lena isn't a Luthor" Cat said closing the door behind her. Kara went through her closet and don't like anything she normally would wear. She pulled out a red dress that outlined all of her features.

Kara's dress

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Kara's dress.

She left her hair down and did her makeup, and headed out to Cat-Co. "Hey where are you going dressed like that?" Alex asked as she walked towards Kara's door.

"I'm going to work, where are you going?" Kara asked in the same tone. Alex chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Isn't that a little to slutty for a reporter to wear when your trying to get your job back?" Alex asked once more.

"No, 1, I'm not a reporter, and 2, I already got my job back" Kara admitted. Alex raised her eyebrows.

"How? Did you seduce someone or something?" Alex jokes. Kara soaped her sister in the arm. "Ow, I was joking."

"I know, but no, Cat came her begging for me" Kara emphasized. Cat more so told Kara to get her ass back to work. "I need to go," Kara said before slipping into the elevator.


"Keira, in my office now please" Cat called for her assistant. She turned and walked in with Cat's breakfast and coffee. "Nice dress, will your attire last like this?" She asked.

"Yeah, it will, you needed me?" Kara responded. Cat handed her a yellow pad of paper. "W-whats this for?" Kara asked. Cat walked out of her office with a box and headed towards Kara's desk.  "You just asked for me to come back and you're firing me?" Kara rambled as Cat finished putting Kara's belongings in the box. She walked away as Kara followed, walking past the elevator and into an office smaller than Cat's.  "You're not firing me?" She said as she raised her eyebrows at her boss.

"No, I'm promoting you, you've been my assistant for two years and I can't keep you forever" Cat Said. "Now, for your first assignment as a reporter, this life of the newest female CEO in National City" Cat said placing a tape recorder on her pad of paper.

"And who would that be?" Kara asked.

"Lena Luthor, that's who!" Cat said with a tone of excitement. Kara rolled her eyes.  "What would you prefer it was Lex?" Cat asked.

"No, but I'm sure you have other reporters to write the story," Kara said.

"You'd write it best" Cat argues.

"There are more skilled reporters than me here, ask one of them" Kara fought back.

"You'd acquire the most information" Cat continued.

"She prefers reporters who know what they are doing" Kara replied.

"You really don't want to do this?" Cat asked. Kara nodded. "Too bad, you'll never make it as a reporter if you don't leap" Cat snapped. "There is a list of questions you need to ask her here so you'll be fine"  she added. Kara rolled her eyes once more and headed to the place she dreaded the most. L-Corp.

A/N: what do you think is gonna happen at L-corp. Read the next chapter to find out.

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