23~ The Kara she knew was alway prom and proper.

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Kara laid curled in a ball on her bed. Her pillow was tear stained and she hadn't left her bed in two days. She had called the company and let them know she would be absent from work for a few days and had James take over until she returned to work. She had J'onn patrol the city and save people when they needed it. She had ignored everyone calls, and texts. When people would show up, she would ignore their calls to be let in.  She felt truly broken. She had lost another person she truly loved. She heard a gain knock at her door but as always she ignored it. 

"Kara, it's me Alex," her sister called out. "I don't know what happened, but please just open the door!" She ignored her sister. She heard Keyes jingle and knew Alex was on her way in. She flew towards the window keeping herself hidden until Alex left.  "Kara?" He sister called. "I know you're in her-" when her sister entered the room, there was nothing but a perfectly made bed. She let out a sigh and left. Kara waited until she knew Alex was gone to return inside and lock the door.

"Even the girl of steel is weak," Kara hear a voice said. "The praise you to be a god, but you hide from them and cry like a poor little baby." The woman said.

"Who are you?" Kara asked.  The woman laughed.

"I, Kara Zor-el, am Reign, I am a Worldkiller." Reign claimed.

"You know who I am?" She asked.

"Of corse I do, every Kryptonian knows the daughter of the house of El," Kara rolled her eyes.

"You need to leave," Kara demanded. The world killed stood still, staring at Kara as she stood there.

"And if I don't?" Reign asked. Kara let out a loud sigh.

"Then I will," Kara replied. She grabbed her glasses and placed them on her face. Her eyes puffy and swollen from crying for three days straight. Her hair pinned in a messy bun, and she wore a National city hoodie with DEO sweatpants. 

"You are no hero, and people should rid you of this world!" Reign said harshly.

"Go ahead and try, they won't get very far with it." She walked out the door and started walking around National city. 

After an hour of walking, she had finally chosen to walk into her Favourite Chinese restaurant. Completely un-aware of the people inside. She walked straight  past Lena and continue to the counter. Lena's eyes followed the blonde woman to the counter. She felt that something was wrong. The Kara she knew was alway prom and proper.

"Hello Ms.Danvers, your order will be out soon," the woman said. Kara cocked her head.

"But I haven't ordered yet?" She replied. The woman waved her hand.

"You own Cat-co now, and you're our number one customer" she handed Kara the receipt and Kara handed her the money. Lena looked up at Kara once more when the woman said 'you own Cat-co.' Lena felt hurt that Kara didn't tell her. She had no memory as to what had happened with them. Shortly after Kara's food was handed to her. She walked past and saw Lena. Just before a tear could slide down her cheek or Lena could get a chance to speak with her, Kara left. Lena felt a pull and her eyes began to glow the same shade as Lex's eyes did three days earlier.  She had no desire to care about the fragile blonde whose heart sbe broke.

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