4~ Астра

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Just a disclaimer, the title of this chapter is in Russian, I will translate  everything at the end of every chapter that has Russian in it.

Kara walked into the building and got on  the elevator, hitting the button for the 26th floor. The ride went surprisingly quick and she  was greeted by Lena's assistant Jess. "I'm her to see Ms.Luthor" Kara said sounding unamused.  She called her on in intercom and sent Kara in. She walked in and Lena  was looking at her laptop.  "Ms.Luthor?"  She didn't even look up.

"Oh god, it's you" she whispered under her breath.

"Yeah it's me, Cat sent me" Kara replied.  Lena's eyes shot up.

"How did you hear that?" Lena asked not even noticing the blondes choice of clothing.

"I have excellent hearing"  Kara shot back, crossing her arms.

"I didn't even hear myself say it," Lena replied. That's was when she noticed Kara's dress. She looked her up and down, taking in every curve of her body. Kara looked down at this list of questions.

1. Where were you born?
2. What are your goals in life and in your company?
3. What is your opinions on the Supers and other aliens?
4. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?
5. Are you anything like your brother?
6. How old are you?

"Isn't that a bit too revealing for an interview?" Lena asked. Kara chuckled.

"Only when people make it such a big deal, and I didn't plan on it, interviewing you was a last minute choice by Cat" Kara replied.

"Didn't she fire you yesterday?" Lena asked.

"Actually I quit, but she needed me so I chose to go back" she answered respectfully. "And I apologize for being rude yesterday, it's a tough week for me" Kara answered looking down to the floor.

"You don't need to explain yourself to me" Lena replied. She understood what it was like to go through a tough time.

"This week is the anniversary of my family's death," Kara stated. Lena looked at the blonde in complete confusion.

"Kara you don't hav-" Lena was cut off by Kara's words.

"When I was thirteen, my family home um, it uh, it exploded, my entire family was there and me and my baby cousin were the only ones to survive" Kara looked down to the floor and tried her hardest to not cry. In those moments Lena had a change of heart.

"I'm sorry Kara," lena responded. Kara looked up. Her eyes on Lena.

"For what?" Kara asked.

"For the way I've treated you since I met you, and for what happened to your family" Lena responded. "I've been cruel and horrible to you, and you didn't deserve that" Kara smiles a bit.

"I wasn't the nicest either, I shouldn't have treated you the way I did all because I'm dealing with a loss that I've never recovered from" Kara replied. They drifted their conversation and started the interview.

"Again, thank you for taking the time and allowing me to interview you" Kara said.

"Anytime, I can't wait to see what you'll write about me" Lena said, half nervous she would think of her as just a Luthor. The door opened and Jess walked into Lena's office.

"Ms.Luthor, your next appointment is here" Jess said. Lena motioned for her to be let in. Not a moment later she walked in. Kara's eyes slowly welled with tears.

"Hello Ms.Luthor" the woman said. She looked at the familiar blonde and saw her tears eyes. "I hope I'm not interrupting a termination" she said causing Lena to look confused. Kara looked away from the woman and wiped her eyes, having Lena's full attention as she did so.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Placing a hand on Kara's shoulder.

"Yeah, you just remind me of someone I used to know" Kara said once she faced the woman.

"I-I'll see you later Lena" Kara said, fumbling to pick up her stuff. She hurried out of the room without a second glance back to either of them.

Kara asked Cat for the rest of the day off. It was granted to her and she flew home and sat in silence. How could she be alive? Nobody else survived I'm sure of it. All things that she had been questioning since the woman walked into Lena's office. She wrote the article on Lena and sent it in as quickly as possible. There was a knock at her door and she walked to the door thinking it was Alex. When she opened it she saw the woman from Lena's office.

"Astra?" Kara said, holding back her tears. Her aunt breezed past her. "I recognized you Little one, how did you get to earth?" Her aunt asked.

"M-my parents sent me after Kal, how did you survive? I watched Krypton blow up" Kara finally let her tears fall.

"I wasn't on Krypton, I was a prisoner on Fort Rozz, your mother sentenced me there" Astra said. She sounded bitter.

"You're lying, my mother would never" Kara claimed. Astra scoffed.

"You clearly didn't know you own mother as well as you thought" Astra replied. "She even used you, to get me where she needed me."

"Liar! My mother wasn't like that" Kara fought back.

"She was little one," Astra replied. Kara walked to her door and opened it not facing the outside.

"You need to leave now, I don't ever want to see you again" Kara yelled. She turned and saw Lena. Her aunt walked out and zoomed past them.

"Kara, I wanted to make sure you were okay" Lena admitted. She still had tears in her eyes. "The way you left, it didn't feel right" Lena said. Lena walked in and closed Kara's door, lightly brushing their fingers together. She moved to pull Kara into a hug and Kara collapsed into her arms. Finally letting go of all the sobs she had held in. "Shhh, it's okay, I'm her I've got you" Lena cooed, rubbing Kara's head.

Two hours later and Kara finally calmed down enough to tell Lena what happened. "Who was that?, what did she do to you?" Lena asked.

"She's my biological aunt, I thought she died but she was here all this time" Kara said letting more tears spill.

"Kara, this is great, at least you have someone left" Lena tried to comfort her.

"She came in here spreading all these horrible lies about my mother and I lost it in her" Kara spilled bit by bit.

"What did she say?" Lena asked. Kara sighed. "You don't have to tell me if it's too hard" she added.

"Back home, My mother her job had to do with law and criminal justice, and she claimed my mother put her own sister in prison using me, which is how she survived" Kara explained.

"But wouldn't you have known she survived if she wasn't in the house?" Lena asked.

"When I said my house burned down, that wasn't the whole truth" Kara admitted. Lena raised her eyebrows. "It was the entire town we lived in, everyone who lived there died" Kara said. "Her home was there and I assumed the worst." Lena pulled her into another hug, holding her tighter and refusing to let go of the fragile woman.

A/n: sorry this was published late, I'm gonna try and punish more today but don't take me seriously because I don't really like this chapter and I feel like I have nothing to write.

Title translation in English: Astra.

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