20~ the man of a hated sister planet.

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"I thought you said everyone was dead?" Lena asked.

"They are," she responded.

"How is this possible?" Lena asked. Kara walked towards the bottom to open the door and saw a sleeping man inside.

"He must've got caught in the phantom zone or something, but this doesn't explain why it took him so long to get here," Kara informed Lena.

"You were trapped for 24 years, so it's quite possible" Lena responded.

"I was pulled out by this weird technology alien in Fort Rozz, I found out last night but you fell asleep before I got home so I couldn't tell you" Kara said.

"So what does that mean?" Lena asked. Kara continued to examine the man with her eyes.

"It means I wouldn't have met you, I wouldn't have been adopted by the danvers family, Kal would never have known about, or met me, and I wouldn't be here as Supergirl or Kara Danvers" she said in one big breath. Lena nodded and looked sadly at Kara.

"That would've sucked, you have saved me countless times, and the entire world" Lena said. Kara smiled.

"I would really hate a world where I didn't get to be with you" Kara said, walking over to Lena and kissing her softly.

"Where the hell am I?" A voice groggily asked, causing both woman to turn and face him.

"Y-you don't know?," Kara said, not sure what to say to the mysterious man.

"No. The last thing I remember is being sent away from Daxam, because those ignorant Kryptonian killed their planet!" The man said hatefully.  Kara's face reddened and Lena didn't know what was going to happen.

"You're a Daxamite?" Kara asked harshly. The man nodded.

"Yeah, what did you think I was, Kryptonian?" He asked rudely.

"I'm glad your not!" Kara said. "I am Kara Zoe-El, the-"

"Kryptonian Princess!" The man said. Kara raised her eyebrows.

"Wait your a princess?" Lena asked.

"We can discuss that later Lena," Kara said.

"I am Mon-el, prince of Daxam" he responded.

"Oh great, the arrogant asshat"

"You selfish bitch!" Mon-el said.

"Hey! Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!" Lena yelled. He chuckled and faced her.

"What will you do you useless burden of a huma-" before he could finish the sentence, Kara zapped him with her laser eyes and knocked him unconscious. Suddenly the door burst open and Alex and many DEO agents ran in and detained the man.

"We've got it from here Kara," Alex said.

"Thanks Alex, Lena are you okay?" Kara asked. Lena nodded.

"If it weren't for you, I would have considered jumping off a roof, but because I have you, I don't feel that way anymore."

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