8~Determination is key.

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Lena stood there smiling at Kara with her glasses in her hands. "I knew you were her, and relax your secret is safe with me" Lena said. Kara looked angry.

"Why would you do that?" Kara asked. Lena looked her in the face and raised an eyebrow.

"Because you and Supergirl have the same crinkle!" Lena said. As Kara was going to protest, the crinkle popped up and Lena placed her finger in its.

"You are legally not allowed to tell anybody!" Kara said. Lena nodded and said okay.

"So what's the real story, you told me your cover story, so what's the real one?" Lena asked.

"I was born on Krypton, and when I was 13 my planet exploded, my mother sent me here to watch after Superman, but I got stuck the phantom zone where time doesn't pass," Kara explained to Lena.

"Oh, Kara I'm so sorry," Lena said. She pulled Kara closer to her chest. She was sitting on top of Kara's lap. They both jumped up when Ms.Grant knocked at the door.

"Keira, open up!" Cat called. Lena looked at her with a funny look.

"Keira?" She whispered.

"I'll explain that when she leaves, Come in Ms.Grant" Kara said. Cat walked in and saw Lena next to Kara.

"Good afternoon Ms.Luthor" Cat said. "Look, Keira I know you're not my assistant anymore but I need you to go get my lunch" Cat asked. Kara tilted her head.

"What happened to your assistant?" Kara asked. Cat rolled her eyes.

"I fired them, so you will need to find me a new one" Cat said before abruptly leaving.

"Do you want to come with me to get her lunch?" Kara asked. Lena nodded and they cleaned up their stuff and went to get Cat her lunch.

A/N: so I think I'm gonna publish more then one chapter today because I have some thoughts going through my head at the moment. Also sorry the chapter is shorter. I've been doing that sod doe reason and one of my stories had like 1000 words on a chapter and I got rid of so much because I wanted to change the plot.

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