28~ Shes back.

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Lena knew that was Kara. Even if she claimed she was not Kara Danvers. Even though Elena has compelled the truth out of her she knew it was Kara. She needed to tell Alex. She walked confidently into the DEO and searched for Alex. "Lena what brings you here?" Alex asked. "You only come in on her...anniversary."

"She's back Alex, it's her." Lena replied . Alex's eyes got wider.

"What do you mean she is back?" Alex asked.

"We has a board meeting today and Cat wasn't there, apparently she sold Cat-co someone who she trusted," Alex nodded for Lena to continue so she did. "She had green eyes, jet black hair and her name is Kara Montgomery, she sounds and looks just like Kara, she even has the crinkle and the scar above her eyebrow." Lena finished.

"We need to talk to her, as soon as possible!" Alex said. "Thank you for not giving up L-Corp," Alex said.

"I'm glad I didn't either, we wouldn't have found her." Alex hugged her tightly and informed the team. Lena has become so depressed, she was going to sell L-Corp to some random investor. Alex reminded her of all the memories with Kara and she backed down. When Alex came back she started to explain what she wanted Lena to do.

"Look, I want you to go and visit her at Cat-co, and get to know her, and tell us how she acts and what she remembers, once we think it's time we will go and talk to her."

"Hopefully she's not with Elena and Damon," Lena complained. She had nothing against the vampires but she didn't want Kara to become one of their victims.

A/n: sorry this chapter is really short. I was going to write more but I didn't have it in me. I hope you enjoyed, let me know what your thoughts are on this chapter. Also I'm thinking of having Katherine and Lena be pretty good friends in this story.

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