24~ If only she knew the truth.

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Disclaimer~ so I just put one of my stories on hold so that when school starts next week I have more time to publish chapters on here and with my other work, my secret ray of sunshine. I will try my best to write chapters for this story and it will be longer then any of my other supercorp stories. Also I have a new account the I run with the amazing The_huntress56 the account is Lexaxkenna_writes so if you guys want to follow that account and read the supercorp story we are writing together you can. It's called the wrong lovers. Thanks for reading this so let's get on with the story.

"Kara, please talk to me!" Alex said as Kara walked through the door. "Tell me why you are refusing to show up to work?" She asked.

"Lena left me, she broke my heart and stepped on it," Kara blurted. Alex's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, Kara, what happened?" She asked as she pulled her sister down on the couch.

"She came over and I was going to tell her I own Cat- co now and she told me she was using me and ended our relationship before I could tell her" Kara rambled in one breath.

"I'm so sorry," Alex said, as she leaned over and hugged her fragile sister.

"And the worst part is, she told me if I ever came near her again, she would reveal my identity to the entire world!" Kara cried. "She truly is a Luthor." Alex tightened the hug and refused to let go until she fell asleep.


Back at Lena's penthouse, it was quit.  She sat on her couch, filling with hate towards Kara when suddenly she felt a sharp pain go through her head. She yelped in pain and then it was gone.  She grabbed her phone and looked for Kara's number. "That's strange it was in my phone under 'baby💕💋', Where is it?" She asked to herself. She chose to dial the number instead. It rang once and went straight to voice mail.

"Please leave your message at the tone" said the voicemail box.

"Hey Kara it's Lena, Look I don't know why you're upset with me, or what's going on with you but please just call me, I love you and I hate seeing you cry so please call me back or come over and we call talk about what's bothering you," Lena hung up the phone and placed it on the charger. If only she knew the truth.

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