31~Stolen by a dopplegänger.

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"So what, you're going to compel me to fall in love with the woman who broke my heart again, Katherine?" Kara asked.

"I'm not compelling you to fall in love with her, I'm compelling you to make her happy," Katherine replied. "Will you let me feed now?" She asked. Kara shook her head.

"Not yet, I have one more thing to say." Kara replied.

"Hurry up or I will tear you apart Kara!" Katherine said sternly.

"Why not just make her forget about me, make them all forget," Kara asked.

"Because when I turn you, you will need a reason to kill Lex, and if the reason doesn't remember you, there would have been no point!" Kara nodded.

"You can feed now." Kara said. Katherine thanked her and sank her teeth into Kara's neck. Kara has no reaction to this. The door freaked and Katherine stopped eating.

"He's back, forget everything!" She said and sped away. A wave of nothing overcame her.

"Hey ba-what the hell is that?" He asked looking at her neck. She placed her hand there and there was blood.

"I-I don't know," Kara said. Mikes face turned bright red with anger.

"Yes you do you cheating bitch!" He yelled, ignoring the blood. He walked over to her and ripped the ring off her finger. "Get out, now!" Tears sprang from her eyes as he continued to shout horrible things at her. She grabbed her phone and walked outside. She dialed the first number she could think of.

"Hey, Elena could you come and pick me up?" She asked, her voice was shaky.

"Yeah, what happened, you sound hurt?" Elena asked.

"I-I'll Tell you when you get here," she said. She hung up and waited for Elena to arrive.


"Hey, woah your neck?" Elena said. She moved a strand of hair away from the bite marks and gasped. "Here drink this," She said. Elena bit her wrist and shoved it at Kara's face. Kara drank her blood willingly. Elena made her forget that she just did that and brought her to her house.

"Hey babe, how is she?" Damon asked.

"Kara why don't you go take a nice hot shower, it should calm you down?" Elena asked. Lara nodded and went upstairs. "Someone's feeding on her, she had bite marks on her neck, I had to heal her in the car."

"Who do you think it is?" He asked. She shrugged her shoulders. 

"I don't know, but we need to be careful, she has vampire blood in her system." Elena said. 

"There's a lot of vampires here, and I think we should look into this, I mean this could be an everyday occurrence." Damon said. Elena nodded in agreement.

Elena stares at a card with Elena's face on it, but it doesn't say her name. "Katherine Pierce?" She says. She heard a floorboard creek and she turned.

"Shhh," Katherine said.

"Elena?" She whispered. She shook her head.

"Don't talk, don't make a sound." Katherine said. Kara nodded and Katherine grabbed her. She wished the out of the apartment and brought her back to her home.  She made Kara remember everything.

"So what, I'm going to stay here now?" Kara asked. "What happens when I have to go to work and I live with a woman who looks like Elena, but isn't her?" She asked.

"Look, I won't be here all the time, and when I am you will know who I am,  but the minute you are away from me, you won't remember me, you won't remember Elena having a doppelgänger, and anything that could get you hurt." Katherine said. 

"Is that even possible?" Kara asked.

"If you ever meet Klaus, he will also show you how possible it is." Kara nodded and prepared for what would happen next. "You will not remember me at all when you leave, you won't remember living with me, you won't remember there being two Elena's, you will only remember when you are with me."

"I will only remember when I'm with you," Kara said.

A/n: so I am gonna have Kara be turned by Katherine soon and I was wondering, (for those of you who watched TVD and TO,) who your favorite character were?

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