33~ Everything is lost.

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"No!" Lena screamed as she tried to rush to Kara's side. "Katherine how could you!" She cried. She held Kara's limp body in her arms.

"Good job Katarina." Lex said with a sinister smile on his face. He walked towards Lena. "You didn't listen all those years ago, so I had to take matters in my own hands," he said. "That gave you five years to learn what I taught you, don't trust Kryptonian!"

"I thought you were my friend, I trusted you!"

15 hours earlier.

After Elena and Lena has left, Kara began her day. Sitting through stressful meetings, coming up with plans for the weekly magazine, and finding free time for herself. "Morning Ms.Montgomery, hows everything today?" Snapper Carr asked.

"It's a bit stressful, but I will make it," she said. He smiled.

"You know you remind me of one of my best reporters here," Snapper said.

"Really, Who?" Kara asked.

"Kara Danvers, I used to call her blonde, when I heard that she went missing it hurt a great deal." He looked down to the floor sadly.

"A lot of people say I look like her," Kara said sympathetically. "Hopefully if she has passed, she found peace." He nodded.

"Yeah, Hopefully," he agreed.

"Enjoy your danish, Mr.Carr," she said. He smiled and walked into his office.  She walked back to her office and sat down.  She had a meeting with Cat in 10 minutes.  "Jenna, Contact Cat Grant's manager and make sure she will be here for the meeting." Kara said softly.

"Yes, Ms.Montgomery." Jenna said. She began to dial the number and confirmed. "She is coming up the stairs now," 

"Thank you Ms.Smith." Kara said. Seconds later Cat strode into Kara's office.

"Kara, it's wonderful to see you again, how's the company been?" Cat asked.

"It's been amazing, I thought this would be extremely difficult, and I'm not saying it isn't challenging, but I isn't as hard as I thought." Kara said excitedly.  Her assistant walked in with a cup of coffee.

"Here you go," Jenna said .

"I didn't ask you for anything Jenna, you didn't have to do that." Kara said.

"Oh I didn't, it was from Lena Luthor, the woman who was here earlier.

"Oh, how sweet of her," Kara said. She drank the coffee quickly, barley tasting it as it slid down her throat.

"I'm glad your making friends in National City, especially while running such a successful company" Cat said. 

"I'm still trying to figure out why you trusted me with your company," Kara said. "I mean you know thousands of people with the experience and you chose me?" Kara asked.

"Like I have said Kara, you are like my daughter, I would give you the first chance before anybody else." Cat replied. She placed her hand on Kara's hand. "Although you should take a break because your coffee is already gone."

"Heh, right," Kara chuckled. They continued speaking for the next hour and a half. When Cat lady Kara was being rushed into another meeting that would last until lunch.
"Here is your order and.Montgomery." The lady behind the counter said. She handed Kara a bag full of food. And grabbed two coffees.

"Oh I didn't order these," Kara said.

"They were ordered by Lena Luthor, she said you've had a very stressful week. She gave her the coffee tray and Kara left.

'You'll need these for later, drink them all please!' -LL.

She placed the paper in her pocket she made her way back to Cat-co. She planned on enjoying her one free moment of today.

After having a stressful day at work. Kara was finally ready to go home. As she was in her way out the door she was met by none other the Katherine. Every single thing Katherine has said would rerun to her mind, it did. "I thought I was meeting you back at the house?" Kara said.

"Lex is coming!" Katherine said. "He's got Lena and he is coming to kill you!" Katherine said. She  saw Lex drag Lena through the door. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this." She said.

"No, you said you would turn me!" Kara said.

"I'm sorry, this is going to hurt." The door opened and with a swift moment Kara's neck had been snapped.

"No!" Lena screamed as she tried to rush to Kara's side. "Katherine how could you!" She cried. She held Kara's limp body in her arms.

"Good job Katarina." Lex said with a sinister smile on his face. He walked towards Lena. "You didn't listen all those years ago, so I had to take matters in my own hands," he said. "That gave you five years to learn what I taught you, don't trust Kryptonian!"

"I thought you were my friend, I trusted you!" Lena yelled.

"No, she wants your friend Lena, she was there for me!" Lex said harshly. "Now, Tell me everything that happened?" He asked. Katherine nodded.

"She must have started taking vervain, she broke the compulsion and tried to steak me when I told her that I wasn't turning her." Katherine said.

"Where is the stake?" Lex asked. Katherine pointed towards the chair. Lex walked over and picked it up. He tossed it out the window.

"Kara, please wake up, come back to me!" Lena begged. Lex walked over and grabbed Lena by her neck.

"You could've avoided this, you selfish bitch!" Lex spat. "But you didn't listen, I  warned you Lena, I ducking warned you!" He continued to yell at her. Lena spit in his face.

"Go ahead and kill me!" She yelled. "My only reason to live is dead!" She spat.

"You were the one who chose to fall in love with a selfish, hateful, ignorant Kryptonian!" He yelled. Katherine heard the footsteps of DEO agents coming from down stairs.

"You're Wrong Lex!" Katherine warned.  He turned and scoffed.

"How am I wrong?" He asked cockily.

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