Ch. 51

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July 7th
New York, New York

Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life right?


"Okay! The girls are ready, hows it coming along in here?" Solange asks her older sister as she steps into the bridal room.

"Good. We're just putting the finishing touches on her makeup and then she's ready." Alicia, the wedding planner answers with a wide smile.

"How you feeling, baby?" Nicki asks her best friend as she kneels beside her. Bey takes in a soft breath and smiles before nodding.

"Ready." Nicki grins widely at the answer before standing and kissing Beyoncé's cheek.

"Okay. We're ready to go!" Nicki says excitedly.

"Bride two ready please begin bride ones decent down the aisle." Alicia speaks into the walkie talkie

Butterflies began swarming Beyoncé's stomach as the reality of the moment hit. Leaving the room, and turning the corner to stand beside the double doors, she watched as the two twins were carried down the aisle ahead of her with Nicki closely behind.

The song she made for Rihanna began playing through the speakers before she took a deep breath and stood in the entrance of the double doors.

Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fightin' against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be your girl, and you'll be my wife
I see my future in your eyes

She lifted her head, and her eyes widened and instantly watered when she saw Rihanna standing at the alter. Her heart began pounding, her stomach filled to the brim with butterflies, throat dry, and she remembered feeling this exact same thing the first time she saw the Bajan beauty.

The blonde looked out the booth and her eyes landed on Robyn. Beyoncé couldn't explain the feeling she got when she saw the new, tall, slim and gorgeous woman standing outside the announcement booth watching them, but it was the first time she'd ever felt that sort of thing. This tingle in her heart and a lump in her throat.

She'd never seen anything so beautiful

She began walking down the aisle to the song she wrote for Robyn, and seeing her future wife tear up made her tear up. She thought Robyn could never look more beautiful than she did the day she met her... but she was wrong. So wrong.

She reached the end of the aisle and placed her hand in her brides hand before the officiant began.

"We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Robyn Rihanna Fenty and Beyoncé Giselle Knowles. This is not the beginning, but a celebration of the next chapter in their lives together. Today, they will affirm this bond formally and publicly. This affirmation is made even more meaningful because it's shared with all of you, their most cherished friends and family.

Robyn and Beyoncé, today you not only marry the right person, you commit to being the right partner— the one with whom the other can stand and face the world. Have you prepared your own vows?"

Both women nod their heads as their hands stayed clasped tightly together.

"Robyn, why don't you go first?"

Rih takes a few deep breaths before looking up at Bey.

" I never thought dat dis day would come fah me. I always thought dat I would be alone. I never thought dat I would find da love dat mi parents had, and den I met you. You saved me. In more ways than one. You made mi life worth living, and you gave me an amazing family. You were everything dat I could ever  'ave asked or prayed for. And I 'ope dat I can make you proud, and dat I can make you happy, and dat I can make sure dat you get da life dat you and our family deserve. I love you, behbey."

Before wiping her teary eyes, Bey looks up at Rih and lets out her own deep breath. " I never thought that I would find the love of my life at 17 years old. I never thought that I would be happy to settle down this young. And then you came strolling into my life. You make me wanna wake up every day, you give me the strength when I have none, you make me smile when all I wanna do is cry, you make every day worth living. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much."

"Do you take Robyn Fenty to be your-"

"Hell yeah!" Bey cuts him off before he can finish

"And do you take Beyoncé Knowles to be your-"

"Oh without a doubt yo!" Robyn says making everyone chuckle at their eagerness.

"Then I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Robyn grabs bey by the back of her neck, bringing her in for a deep, hard and loving kiss as the friends and family members cheer in happiness.

After a few kisses Bey pulls back with a wide smile as Rihanna smirks at her. She grips the Texans hand and begins pullin her down the aisle.

"I'm your wife!" Bey says excitedly to Rihanna who giggles and nods her head before kissing the blonds cheek.

"Yes you are Mrs. Fenty."

They walk out of the church, ready to celebrate when a hail of gunshots happen.

Nicki and Mel both duck down and with the twins in their arms to shield em while Rihanna grabs Beyoncé and throws her under her.

The rest of the crew shoots back at the cars that just drove by but are too late.

When Rihanna lifts off of Beyoncé her dress is covered in red and so are her hands.

She shakes her wife to get a response but isn't able to get one.

"Behbey?!" She shouts as she continues shaking her lifeless body.

"Bey?!" She tries again as she shakes her wife.

But... nothing happens.

*********The End ********

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*********The End ********

I promise there will be a sequel of some sort!

Don't. Be. Mad



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