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I sat hiding in a cove inside the temple, sharpening the knives on my kyoketsu-shoge. Since it was only the evening I still had a few hours until I could come out of hiding. I wasn't that mad about it but it sure was boring living three long years here on Crescent Island.
I was brought back from my thoughts as I was pulled down, I was ready to attack because of the rushness of it all but then I saw it was my grandfather.

"Grandfather?" I asked and put on my mask on.

"The Avatar has arrived and I need your help, Mirai." He told me and I nodded not really believing him.

"Are you sure you're not tired?" I asked and he almost glared at me. "Are you sure it's the Avatar?"

"Yes! He came with his friends." He replied and I just had to trust him.

We went separate ways whoever found the Avatar would take him and his friends to Avatar Roku's statue. I sighed and put the kyoketsu-shoges in my pockets and headed to look for them.
I came face to face with a few Sages and I shot at them making them fly back. I felt kind of bad cause they were old.

All this for someone who we don't even know.

"I don't want to fight you." I heard my grandfather's voice. "I am a friend."

"Firebenders aren't our friends!" I heard a boy's voice.

I dodged an attack and hit them back creating a giant wall of fire blocking the hall, then I started running in direction of the voices.

"You do?" A much younger voice asked.

I ran to them. I rolled my eyes to see my grandfather on the floor bowing to the so called Avatar, who was a child! "Gandfather get up, we have to go now." I helped him up.

"Who's she?" A girl with freckles asked.

"She is trying to help you guys!" I replied.

The three were from a Water Tribe, it was notable by their clothes. The boy was cute, he wore his hair in a ponytail which wasn't the best but who doesn't these days? The older girl had a really long braid and she had silver hair clips and freckles, which I found cute. The younger one didn't have freckles but she did had some hair loopies and her braid was low. All of them had blue eyes and brown hair.
The Avatar was a literally a child. He looked no older than twelve, the airbender already had his tattoos and he had grey eyes. We were going to help kids. He was supposed to be the one who was going to save the world.

My grandfather explained to them, that he could take them to Roku and showed them the secret wall passage. They hesitated but followed when we heard the others were near they followed and I closed the door behind us.
As we walked down the stairs, my grandfather told them about the secret passages and how when the statue had glowed they knew the Avatar had returned in which the Avatar asked why they attacked him and his friends.

"If you hadn't noticed, the Fire Nation took over and that means they work for Ozai." I answered my voice a bit mean but I was still mad.

"Mirai, Be respectful." My grandfather told me and I rolled my eyes.

"In the past the sages were only loyal to the Avatar." I continued to explain. "When Roku, died the sages eagerly awaited for the Avatar to return... but he didn't, as you may know."

"They were waiting for me." Aang said.

"Hey, don't feel bad you're only 100 years late." The boy from earlier teased.

"Everyone lost hope that the Avatar would ever return." I said, I was one of them. "When Fire Lord Sozin began the war. My great grandfather and the other sages were forced under his command. Which means now my grandfather is under Fire Lord Ozai's control."

"I never wanted to follow the Fire Lord." My grandfather admitted. "When I learned you were coming. I knew I would have to betray the other sages." We continued walking up the countless amount of stairs.

"Why is she wearing a mask?" Sokka whispered to the older girl.

"Why do you care?" The girl asked and I could see the smirk form on her lips. "She could probably kick your butt."

I like her.

"Grandfather...the doors are closed." I claimed as we climbed out of the hole.

"Can't you just open them with firebending?" Katara asked as Aang tried pushing them. "Like you opened that other door?"

"No. Only a fully realized Avatar is powerful enough to open the door, alone. Otherwise the sages must open the door together with five simultaneous fire blasts." My grandfather replied.

"And there's only two firebenders willing to help." I looked at them.

"How are we gonna open it?" Freckles asked.

"Five fire blast huh? I think I can help you out." Ponytail said.
"I learned this little trick from my father." He explained as he filled bags. "I seal the lamp oil inside the animal skin casing, Shyu and Mirai light the animal skins and TA-DA fake firebending."

"You've really out done yourself this time, Sokka." Hmmm Sokka, so that's one name down.

"This might actually work." My grandfather said. Sokka stuffed the skins in. "The other sages will hear the explosion so once they go off you go in."

They all went back while my grandfather and I shot at the skins then we ran behind the pillars. The explosion went off but the doors remained closed.

"Why. Won't. It. Open!" The Avatar was shooting air at the door.

"Aang! Stop!" The other girl said. "There's nothing else we can do."

"I'm sorry I put you all through this for nothing." Aang apologized.

Sokka said that the plan looked like it worked and the younger girl called him a genius but Aang and freckles were confused. So was I since the plan clearly didn't work. Then she explained to us.
The other Fire Sages arrived and they thought we had made it inside. They opened the doors, their lemur attacked one and took their helmet while the rest of us attacked the others.

"Now, Avatar!" I called but Aang didn't come out.

"Aang, now's your chance!" The younger girl yelled but Aang came out struggling fighting with Prince Zuko.

Shock filled my body. I hadn't seen Zuko since the three years that I left and since he was banished. I didn't even know he was banished until my grandfather brought it up when we were talking about the Avatar's return.
   He did say that Zuko would want him and when I asked why, he told me that was the only way he could go back to the palace without being killed.

"The Avatar's coming with me." Zuko said and the Fire Sages over powered us. "Close the doors, quickly!"

Edited; 11/17/20
Re-Edited; 7/19/21

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