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   I looked at the drawing and smiled. "Oh my waterbending acquaintance but it is." Before I could explain we saw a grey fox run up the structure and in through the window.

   "I think that was one of the knowledge seekers!" The professor said. "Oh we must be close!

   "Closer than you think." I spoke and continued to finish what I wanted to say earlier. "Look this is just part of the building."

   "It's completely buried." Sokka said as we landed.

   "The library is buried?!" The professor cried. "My life's ambitions is now full of sand!"
He quickly smiled and pulled out a small shovel. "Well, time to start excavating." He started digging.

   "We seriously followed this guy into the desert." I muttered to Sokka who agreed he was a little crazy.

   "Actually, that won't be necessary." Toph said, her hand on the structure. "The inside seems to be completely intact and it's huge!"

   "That fox thingy went in through a window." Sokka pointed out. "I say we climb up there and give it a look."

   "I say you guys go ahead without me." Toph told us.

   "You've got something against libraries?" Katara asked.

   She really is always ready to pick a fight.

   "I've held books before and I gotta tell you they don't exactly do it for me." Toph answered.

   "Oh right.. Sorry." Katara apologized.

   "We'll see if we can find something for you to listen too." I said nudging her.

   "Thanks blazy." Toph smiled and punched my arm, I rubbed the spot and shot her a glare.

   Sokka tied a rope to his Boomerang and tossed it up and we all started climbing. Appa was going to stay out here with Toph. As we climbed down the rope, the professor complimented the place.

   "Look at those beautiful buttresses!" He said and I laughed with the guys. "What's funny?"

   "Nothing we just like architecture." Aang replied.

   We jumped down and I did a 360 from my spot, just to get a good look at everything I could. The Professor used big words but he stopped and said nice owl. We hid behind pillars when we heard a noise.

   "I know you're back there." A voice said and the Professor walked out

   "Hello, I'm professor Zai head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se university."

   "You should leave the way you came. Unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology." We walked out to see a giant owl.

   "Are you the spirit that brought this library to the physical world?" Sokka asked.

   "Indeed." The animal said. "I am Wan Shi Tong. He who knows ten thousand things and you are obviously humans. Which are no longer committed in my study."

   "What do you have against humans?" Aang asked the giant spirit.

   "Humans only bother learning things to get the edge on other humans," The owl replied. "like that firebender who came to this place a few years ago, looking to destroy his enemy."

   "Zhao." I whispered. I wonder what happened to him.

   "So who are you trying to destroy?" The spirit asked.

   "What?" Sokka asked his voice went high. "No no no, no destroying we're not into that."

   "Then why have you come here?" Wan Shi Tong asked.

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