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This is the end of the story! I will not be writing an "after" for this book because I already wrote the "after" (comic based) book for Kaida, Mirai has some parts in it too but not much.
   Thank you for reading. In the Future. It means a lot that so much of you liked it.

I realised that as I got closer to the end, I didn't put much details in her fears because nothing really happened that could trigger her fear.
Yes, this is the end here are some facts about what happened after.

Mirokka, Sokai, Sirai?
(Lmao; ship names)





1. In the first three years.
· Mirai spent her time helping the gaang move the colonies.
· she also visited Annchi and Daiyu a lot.
· Mirai visited her grandfather sometimes.
· Rekindled her friendship with Ty Lee and Mai, tried with Azula but it didn't work out.
· Visited the Sun Warriors alone during the springs.
· Her friendship did grow with Suki.
· Sokka loved showing her how to use his boomerang.
· She trained with Sokka a lot and taught him a lot.

2. South Pole.
· She loved meeting Sokka's family. (Gran-Gran, and Malina)
· She really can't stand the cold for long but she likes the feeling.
· She definitely wanted to live there or in the North Pole because it was so different and made Sokka happy.
· Sokka helped convince her of that because he always called her cute in the coat she wore.

3. Engagement.
· Sokka asked her to marry him when they had a huge reunion at the Jasmine Dragon.
· Sokka literally invited everyone.
· He asked Annchi for help keeping Mirai busy.
· He created a betrothal necklace with a Sun Warrior design.
· Mirai felt embarrassed and scared but she was happy to say yes.

4. Five years into dating.
· Mirai took Sokka to the Sun Warrior temple and they met him.
· They scared him but they all loved him. (And found his jokes annoying)
· Mirai found out she was related to the chief.
· Got their first home together in their fourth year of dating.
· Engaged that summer. (Got help making the betrothal necklace from Pakku.)
· They visited the Fire Nation whenever they could, Kaida and Zuko made them stay with them.
· They went on a lot of double dates.

5. Wedding.
· Got married in the South Pole.
· A year after they were engaged.
· Maid of honor was Annchi
· Katara and Kaida were obviously part of being her maids along with Suki and Daiyu along with Ty Lee.
· Toph didn't want to be part of the wedding but she did go to the wedding. She told them after that she wanted to be Sokka's best man.
· Sokka had to make Aang and Zuko both his best man but we know who it actually is 😉

6. Their future.
· Mirai was helping Toph to train the officers so when she got to the South Pole she and Sokka trained their officers.
· She was Sokka's biggest supporter when he became head chief and councilman.
· Mirai was on the fence about having kids because of her family background with girls.
· Sokka alway gave her the choice but he really did want kids even just one.
· They had one daughter. {both 32yrs)
• Named her Himiko after Mirai's mother (but here's the twist.) Their daughter doesn't die!
(Curse has been lifted!)

7. Break ups.
· They ended up fighting a lot because they were stressed about their daughter and what would happen. (When she was younger)
· Kaida convinced the two to take a break so the couple went 6 months without each other.
· Mirai took Himiko, they stayed with Annchi for two months. Then she stayed in the Sun Warrior temple with them, she spent most of that time teaching the kids to Firebend and Himiko got to meet the dragons.
· Sokka spent his time working but going home always made him miss his wife and daughter.
· Mirai always pushed back the feeling of missing him.

8. Make up.
· Sokka and Mirai ran into each other in the Fire Nation.
• Sokka was happy to see his daughter once again.
· He was visiting his nieces and nephew and she was visiting Ty Lee and Suki who went for a visit.
· The two ran into each other at the Jasmine Dragon and started talking.
· By the end of Sokka's vacation they got back together.
· Clearly Kaida and Ty Lee planned it.

9. Parenting.
• As soon as Himiko could walk Sokka let her play with the boomerang and was trying to teach her to use it.
• Mirai and Sokka made sure to read to her every night together.
• Himiko showed her first sign of bending when she was six.
• Mirai started to train her along with Kaida's kid (Kaida is from my other story)
• Himiko is definitely a daddy's girl though and loves fighting with weapons.
• Himoko got her fathers sense of humor
• Her mother's Sarcasm.
• Became an engineer in the future.
• Had one son (Akiro) but refuse to tell anyone who the father was and since her son was a non bender she was good at hiding it.
• The two moved to Republican city.

10. Grandchild. (56)
• Sokka made sure his first word was boomerang, came out Boo-ang.
Mirai held him and spoiled him a lot
• Whenever alone Mirai asked about the father.
• Sokka showed off his grandson to His siblings and too his friends just like he did when he had Himiko.
• Mirai "kidnapped him" to take him to the Sun Warrior temple.

11. If Sokka died first.
• Since there is no real age (75)
• Mirai was clearly sad, heartbroken, a mess.
• Himiko and Akiro both came back to the South for the funeral
•Sokka had given Akiro his boomerang earlier that year so it hurt him more.
· During the funeral Mirai tried so hard not to cry but the moment she was pulled into a hug by the gaang she started sobbing.
· She stayed with Himiko.
· She did grieve like everyone else but a year later she was better. (Not over it, just better)
· She couldn't move on and instead she went to go live with the sun warriors, that would be the last time anyone would have seen her.

12. If Mirai died first.
• She died at a young age. (65)
• In a car/cart accident.
• Himiko regretted not appreciating her Firebending.
• Akiro stayed by her grave and talked everyday for a month after the accident.
· Sokka grieved the hardest at her funeral.
· Since he was a councilman he used that to distract himself but even Aang told him it was okay to grieve and retire.
· The couple had lived in the same place since before they got engaged but he moved because he couldn't take it.
· Has one picture of Mirai but he kept most of her stuff or offered it to his firebending niece who favored the couple.
· Would have died at the same age in the books/show or whatever.

   If you want to know other things just ask and yeah.

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