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   I looked around the ship and found bandages and that's what I used around Sokka's leg. He smiled at me and helped clean me up too, I smiled up at him as he finished and he kissed me.

"A kiss to make it better." He smirked.

"Smooth." I teased and place a kiss on his cheek before helping him up and heading over to Toph.

Sokka and I were watching the fight and we saw a string of all the elements heading down but stopped. We watched as two beams of lights shot up.
One was blue and one was red, I assumed the blue one belonged to Aang and the red one to the Fire Lord, they both were the same each taking up a half of their space but slowly red was taking over. My heart sank just watching it, then the blue shot up brighter, completely taking over and then disappeared as well.

"He did it." Sokka muttered. "Aang did it!!"

Sokka hugged both Toph and I and we hugged him back and headed towards them as Aang put out all the fire with water.
We landed and helped Sokka off of the aircraft and even before we made it he was already talking to Aang.

"You did it!" Sokka exclamined. "You should have seen yourself it was amazing! You were all like! PCKSSH PEW PEW PUUUKSH and the Fire Lord was all like." He made choking sounds

  I walked over to Ozai's body leaned against the rock. I was debating whether I should spit at the man but chose not too.

"You didn't do it did you?" I asked not being able to tell.

"I'm still alive." Ozai growled and I punched him, knocking him out.

"Sorry!" I said backing away. "Really! It was a reflex!"

"I learned there was another way to defeat him and restore balance." Aang said. "I took his bending away."

"Wow." Toph said. "Who taught you that?"

"A giant lion turtle." Aang replied.

"You have the craziest adventures when you disappear." Toph shook her head but smiled.

Sokka hopped over and I put his arm around my shoulder I placed mine around his waist. "Well look at you buster, now that your firebendings gone I guess we should call you the loser lord!"

"I am the Phoenix King." Ozai said but fell unconscious.

"Oh sorry didn't mean to offend you Phoenix King of getting his butt whooped!" Toph said.

"Yeah Ozai, King of the losers!" I smiled. The three of us fist bumped.

The comet passed and it grew dark. Sokka kissed my head and Aang cuffed Ozai so we could take him into the airship.
Sokka and I were outside on the rail just getting some fresh air, I could feel his eyes scanning my body then he held my hand the one that was wrapped up. There was tension in the air, almost sexual but mostly romantic and awkward.

"I really hope your sisters can heal me." I said jokingly, trying to break that tension.

"Mirai." He held my chin lightly and I stared into those beautiful blue orbs. "I love you."

"I love you." I said and we started kissing. This wasn't passionate like before, it was different. It was much sweeter, his lips slowly grazing mine.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

In the morning we landed and Katara healed all the burns I had and as well as my palm but it scarred over that was as best as she could do, I wrapped my arm and hand up in knew bandages, I thanked her and watched as more people started to arrive. They freed the people from the prisons and Haru and the others came.
I walked out of my spot and then I saw my grandfather. I smiled and ran over he smiled when he saw me and we were wrapped in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" I said through tears but I was happy.

"I knew you would help save the Fire Nation." He said. We talked but then he had to go up and crown Zuko as the new Fire Lord.

The people got in groups as the gongs rang, we stood at the front, by we I mean everyone that helped on the day of black sun. Zuko walked out and cheers erupted from the crowd.

"Please!" He held up his hand. "The real hero is the Avatar." He moved aside and Aang came out from the palace. The crowd cheered louder.
"Today this war is finally over!" Zuko announced and another cheer erupted. "I promised my uncle, that I would restore the honor of the Fire Nation! And I will. The road ahead of us is challenging.
100 years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided but with the Avatar's help. We can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace!"

Zuko got down on his knees and my grandfather walked over. "All hail, Fire Lord Zuko!" He put the hair piece in and we all cheered as he and Aang moved forward.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

Later that day we went to the Jasmine Dragon, Zuko made us tea and gave us each a cup, Iroh played music, Aang was playing with Momo, Toph was laying back. Kaida and I were playing Pai Sho while Katara watched.

"Zuko, stop moving!" Sokka shouted, we all looked at him. "I'm trying to capture the moment. I wanted to do a painting so we always remember the good times together."

Katara walked over "That's very thoughtful of you, Sokka." She smiled but it fell. "Wait why did you give me Momo's ear?!"

"Those are your hair loopies." Sokka replied and we walked over.

"At least you don't look like a porcupine!" Zuko said. "My hair is not that spikey."

"Are my freckles really that big to you!?" Kaida covered her face insecurely.

   "I think they're adorable." I said to her but she still kept them covered.

"What am I throwing? Boomerangs on chain?" I asked so confused why they looked like that.

"Those are your knives!" Sokka corrected and Momo chirped. "Oh you think you can do a better job, Momo?!"

"Hey my belly's not that big anymore." Iroh said. "I really trimmed down."

"Well I think you all look perfect!" Toph said and we all laughed.

I lightly pulled on Sokka's ponytail and kissed his forehead before walking back to my spot and drinking my tea. He came over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I hummed as my heart fluttered.

The future really was looking brighter.

Edited; 8/2/21
    That was the end of the story! Next chapter is just facts about the future!
   Hope you loved the story.

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