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   We hid Appa and Momo then went to go hide ourselves at the staircase, Sokka hid Aang inside. We peeked over to watch as three men from the other ship came over to our ship.

   The guy asked why we were off course, appearently we were supposed to be going to Ba Sing Se to support the rest of the Fire Nation occupations. Hakoda told them something about delivering cargo. They complained of not getting notified but Hakoda told him they would send two hawks next time. A guard told the guy that Admiral Chan had been on leave. The guys said they would sink our ship once they got onto their ship.

   "They know!" Toph shouted and metalbended the ramp, then we started getting away but they shot fire balls at us.

   "Load the, Toph!" Toph called and Pipsqueak did, when she shot the slab of rock out, I set it on fire and it destroyed their first catapult. She and I sent another that crashed with one of theirs.
   They shot a chain into our boat pulling us but Katara was trying to pull it off. I looked around and shot fire shooting someone off the ship then Katara said she was going to give us some cover and did with fog and mist but we did get hit. We got out of the fog only to be hit again.

   "How we doing?" Toph asked.

   "Things could be worse." I said at the same time as Sokka said. "Things couldn't get much worse." The serpent raised from the water and I looked at him.

   "The universe just loves proving me wrong doesn't it?" Sokka said.

   "You make it too easy!" Toph replied and I chuckled.

   Sokka glanced at me. "Sorry." I apologized to him.

   The other ship hit it and the serpent went to attacked them. "Thank you, the universe." Sokka said with a smile.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

   We boarded a dock and went down to get Aang.

   "Hey Aang, we're going into town to find some dinner." Toph said and his stomach growled.

   "Well I am pretty hungry." He said sitting up on his bed. "Maybe dinners a good idea."

   "Here tie this around your head. It will cover your arrow." Sokka held out the bandana.

   "I'm not going out if I can't wear my arrow proudly!" Aang laid back on his said facing away from us.

   "Aang, come on be practical." Sokka said.

   "You guys go ahead without us," Katara said. "We'll catch up with you."

   "Don't leave anyone behind." Sokka muttered and I pushed him out.

   "See ya!" I sang and shook my head. "So what should we get for dinner?"

   We did get food and some supplies for the ship we ate with everyone before the sun set and everyone was heading to bed, Katara had gone down to take Aang some food.
   Sokka and I were doing a look out and he offered to walk me to my room. Then we heard Katara yelling at her dad, I pulled on Sokka so we could leave but he didn't budge.

   "He just took his glider and disappeared." Katara said. "He has this ridiculous notion that he has to save the world alone, that it's all his responsibility."

   "Maybe that's his way of being brave." Hakoda said.

   "It's not brave! It's selfish! And stupid!" She yelled, hurt in her voice. "We could be helping and I know the world needs him but doesn't he know that we need him too?! How can he just leave us behind?!"

   My heart ached for the girl, her voice cracked as she started to cry.

   "You're talking about me too, aren't you?" Hakoda asked.

   "How could you leave us dad?" She asked. "I mean I know we had gran-gran and she loved us but...but we were just so lost without you."

   "I'm so sorry, Katara." He replied and hugged her.

   "I understand why you left, I really do." She told him. "And I know you had to go, so why do I still feel this way? I'm so sad and angry and..hurt."

   "I love you more than anything." He told his daughter. "You, your sister, your brother. You three are my world. I thought about you everyday I was gone and every night when I went to sleep I would lie awake missing you so much it would ache."
   He sighed. Sokka had closed his eyes a tear running down his cheek, he squeezed my hand slightly as he heard his father continue. "It aches me now that I don't have all of my children with me like we all would have wanted."

   "And now I know.." Katara was crying more now. "I left Kaida, behind and now...I know the ache you just explained because I have no one to blame but myself."

   "She told you to take Aang, and go." Hakoda told her. "Your sister was brave enough to fight a battle to keep you and the Avatar safe, if anything Kaida, would be proud that you listened to her. I'm sure she's safe. I'm certain of it."

   "How do you know?" Katara asked.

   "Call it father's intuitions." He told her.

   "He's right." I whispered and Sokka nodded. "Can you two just make up now?"

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

   That night Sokka, Katara, Toph, and I decided to look for Aang on Appa. They said goodbye to their father and Toph and I said goodbye to everyone.

   "Katara, I'm sorry." Sokka said as we were in the air. "I shouldn't keep blaming you for leaving, Kaida. I guess it's just been really long since I've seen her...The last time two times I saw her she was crying, the last time I saw her smile.." He looked down. "It was a broken and hurt...and now that's all I ever see. Katara, I don't want to lose her like we lost mom."

   "Me neither." Katara said and they hugged. "And we won't."

   I smiled at them and we continued our journey until we got to Crescent Isalnd where Aang laid. Momo was first to him and he licked the boy awake, Katara was the first to find him. We ran over and hugged him.

   "I have so much to do." Aang said.

   "I know." Katara replied. "But you'll have our help."

   "You didn't think you could get out of training just by coming to the Fire Nation did you?" Toph asked.

   "What about the invasion?" Aang asked.

   "We'll join up with my dad and the invasion force on the day of the eclipse." Sokka told him.

   "Plus I think it's time you and I start firebending training." I said and he nodded.

   "Hey! What's-" Toph pulled out Aang's broken glider. "'s your glider."

   "That's okay." Aang stood. "It would give away my identity. It's better for now that no one knows I'm alive." He got up on a rock and stuck the glider in the and we watched it as it caught fire.

Re-Edited; 7/30/21

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