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The general took us all to the library and we gathered around a table while he came over with a wooden chest, placing it in front of the King.

"There are secret files on everyone in Ba Sing Se, including you kids." The general said.

"Secret files?" Aang asked.

"Toph Beifong." The king handed General How the letter and he gave it to Toph who gave it to me.

I read it and smiled. "It's a letter from your mom, she's here in the city and she wants to see you!"

"Long Feng, intercepted our letters from home?!" She asked and shook her head disappointed. "That's just sad."

"Aang" King Kuei handed him the scroll.

"This scroll was attached to your bison when the Dai Li captured it." General How said.

"It's from the Eastern air temple." Aang said.

"Is there a letter for me and Sokka? By any chance?" Katara asked.

"I'm afraid not." King Kuei replied.

And they both frowned I rubbed Sokka's back.

"But there is an intelligence report that might interest you." General How gave Katara the scroll.

"A small fleet of Water Tribe ships." Katara read from the scroll.

"What? That could be dad!" Sokka cheered.

"Protecting the mouths of Chameleon Bay! Led by Hakoda! It is dad!" Katara smiled and so did Sokka which made me smile.

"Mirai.." I turned to the King. "We a letter for you too."

"You do?" I asked confused and he handed me the scroll. I read it through and smiled with a breath of relief.

"What is it?" Katara asked.

"My grandfather is okay." I smiled realizing there were tears in my eyes then Sokka came over and wiped them away before hugging me.
There was a weight lifted off of my shoulders just knowing he was alright and lived up to this far.

The General and the King left us alone in the library and we sat down on the floor.

"I can't believe it." Aang said. "There's a man living at the Eastern air temple, he says he's a guru."

"What's a guru?" Sokka asked "Some kind of posionous blow fish?"

"No, a spiritual expert." Aang corrected. "He wants to help me take the next step in the Avatar journey, he says he can teach me to control the Avatar state."

"And I can't believe we know where our dad is now!" Katara said.

"I know what you mean." Toph said. "My mom's in the city and from her letter it sounds like she finally understands me."

"This is all such big news!" Sokka said. "Where do we even start?"

I sighed. "I hate to say it but..." I paused as they looked at me. "It's faster if we split up."

"Split up?" Aang repeated. "We just found, Appa and almost have the family back together! Now you want us to seperate?"

"You have to meet this guru, Aang." Katara told him. "If we're gonna invade the Fire Nation you need to be ready."

"Well if I'm going to the Eastern air temple, Appa and I can drop you off at Chameleon Bay to see your dad." Aang said.

"Great! It all works out." I smiled then stood up. "Since I can't go to the Fire Nation to see my grandfather, I'll stay back and help the Earth King plan for the invasion."

"I should stay back and help you." Sokka said. "I don't think they entirely trust you like we do."

"No Sokka," Katara stood up with him. "I know how badly you want to help dad, you go to Chameleon Bay, I'll stay with Mirai and the king."

Sokka hopped on his toes excitedly. "You....are the...nicest sister ever!" He kissed her cheek.

"Easy there big brother." She pushed him off. "Though you're right, I am."

"But Kaida's the best." Sokka smiled getting a light punch from his sister who grabbed onto the necklace their sister left.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

We walked out and were all saying goodbye.

"Soo...uh...have fun." I told Sokka, feeling nervous. I rubbed up and down my arm and looked everywhere but at him. "Uh... take care of yourself and..Erm....don't hit on other girls...I.. I'll see ya later!" I playfully punched his arm and he chuckled

"You're really not good at this sweet intimacy stuff." He joke before pulling me into a kiss.
Sparks flew as we kissed my mind was clouded over as I enjoyed the sweet action. We pulled away slightly. "I'll miss you." He said.

"I'll miss you too." I let go and watched him go to Aang stopping his conversation with Katara.

"All right!" Sokka cheered rubbing Aang's bald head. "Who's ready to get going on a little men only man trip?!"

"Aang and Sokka, I wish you a good journey." The king said. "Ba Sing Se, owes you it's thanks and we're looking forward to your safe return."
We all bowed our heads to the king. Sokka started to climb Appa.

"Your majesty, there are three female warriors, here to see you, they're from the island Kyoshi." A guard said.

"That's Suki!" Sokka yelled and he fell. I glanced at Sokka who gave me a sheepish smile.

"You know these warrior?" The king asked.

"Oh yeah, the Kyoshi warriors are a skilled group of fighters." I explained while Sokka rubbed his back. "They're trustworthy too! They're good friends of ours!"

"Then we shall welcome them as honored guest." The king said and walked away.

"I'm really gonna miss you guys." Toph said and we all hugged her accept for Sokka who stood over to the side with his arms crossed then we all attacked him in a hug.

"Great. That's enough, okay we love each other." He said and smiled. "Seriously."

"Bye." I said and kissed his cheek before he boarded Appa. Katara and I looked over at Toph. "See ya soon shorty."

Toph smiled and moved the floor under my feet causing me to fall. She laughed and I tugged at her ankled causing her to fall too. The two of us laughed together and Katara joined us.

"I hope you find your sister soon." Toph said to Katara as we got up. "I want to meet this ice specialist."

"Yeah." Katara smiled and the three of us hugged once again before Toph was put in a carriage and taken to the house where her mom was waiting.

"I hope her mom understands her now." I say feeling like we shouldn't have let her go alone.

Re-Edited; 7/30/21

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