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   Zuko made Aang and I join him in the court yard and Katara and Kaida joined us while Sokka and Toph went to work on something.
One of Sokka's plans or something, I didn't think anything of it because I hoped they would be responsible enough to stay out of trouble. Hopefully.

   "There's one technique you need to know before facing my father." Zuko said to Aang but then looked at me. "And you should know in case we run into Azula. How to redirect lightning."
Zuko got in a stance and started explaining. "If you let the energy in your own body flow the lightning will follow it. You turn your opponents energy against them."

   "That's like waterbending!" Aang said and we started coping the moves.

   "Exactly." Zuko said. "My uncle, invented this technique himself by studying waterbender."

"Zuko, I know how to redirect lighting and I know how to produce it." I told him.

   "So have you ever redirected lightning before?" Aang asked hesitantly, this caught my attention.

   "Once." Zuko replied. "Against my father."

   "What did it feel like?" Aang asked and I was also curious to know.

   Zuko stopped and we stopped with him. "Exhilarating...but terrifying." The smile fell from Aang's face. "You feel so powerful holding that much energy in your body but you know if you make the wrong move it's over."

  "Well not over over, I mean there's always Katara and a little spirit water action, am I right?" Aang looked at Katara.

   "Actually I used it all up after Azula, shot you." Katara answered.

   "I still have some!" Kaida pulled out the chain.

   "You'll have to take the Fire Lord's life before he takes yours." Zuko said.

   "Yeah.. I'll just do that." Aang muttered.

   Zuko and Kaida went inside so I sat next to Katara. "At least now we can protect ourselves from lightning. And Zuko's crazy sister." They both loked at me. "What? You know she favors lighting when wanting to get rid of people."
   I stood back up. "I'm gonna go look for Sokka and Toph." I walked out and went to find them. Toph was setting blockers up and things while Sokka was making some kind of person with sticks, rocks, and a carved melon.

   "Mirai!" Sokka gleamed and I chuckled as he peppered the side of my face in kisses.

   "What's going on?" I asked.

   Sokka looked around proudly as Toph walked over. "We need a little bit of practice as a team and I, of course came up with the best plan for the training."

   "Of course." I nodded. "Nice job, Toph."

   "Thanks blazy." She said and I got ready for the punch but instead she flicked me, I mean it still hurt but it was better than actually being punched, My arm was already starting to bruise from it.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

   Sokka gathered the rest of the team when Toph finished and then we sat around.

   "Gather around team Avatar." Sokka said. "In order to take out the Fire Lord or in this case the Melon Lord, our timing has to be perfect." He started drawing in the dirt. "First Mirai and I will draw his fire, then Katara, Kaida, and Zuko will charge in with some liquidy hot offence and while the Melon Lord is distracted Aang swoops in and BAM! He delivers the final blow."

   "Uhhh. What about me?" Toph asked.

   "For now you're the Melon Lord's forces." Sokka answered.

   "So I get to chuck flaming rocks at all of you?!" She asked excited.

   "Whatever makes the training feel more realistic." Sokka told her.

   "Sweetness." She replied and she and I went up to the top.
   She stood ready and I lit the fire pits up so she can chuck at us, which I still found terrifying.

   "All set." I said.

   "Thanks!" She smiled before throwing me down.

   I landed on my feet but she seriously threw me in the air. "TOPH YOU LITTLE!-"

   "Hey, Mirai." I turned to Sokka who was in his Water Tribe uniform making me smile, He looked great in it. "I brought you your mask. You don't have to wear it, I know you only wore it to firebend and all wore it on The Day of Black Sun and you fought at your best without bending-"

   I kissed him to stop his awkward rambling. "Thank you, Sokka." I said and put it on.

   We heard Toph laugh Sokka and I ran out. Toph made guards from rocks and we took them down with ease. As a fire boulder was launched at us I dodged it and continued running.

   "Watch it Toph!" Sokka yelled at her.

   "I am not Toph, I am Melon Lord!" She announced with an evil laugh.

"She's really enjoying this." I muttered as the attacks kept coming.

  We kept running. "Now Aang!" Sokka called. We all hid behind a rock.

   "What are you waiting for?" Zuko asked Aang who just stood there. "Take him out!"

   "I can't." Aang replied and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

   Sokka walked over. "What's wrong with you?! If this was the real deal you'd be shot full of lightning right now!"

   "I'm sorry." Aang apologized. "But it just didn't feel right, I didn't feel like myself."

   Sokka pulled out his sword and sliced the head. "There! That's how it's done."

   Momo ran over and ate from the piece that fell. It was dark but I chuckled.

   "That's today's practice." Sokka muttered. "I'm starving let's go have dinner."

Edited; 8/2/21

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