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   The next day after eating I was showing Aang how to make the flame smaller that way I could teach him to make it bigger in the same way but a different technique. Katara was making Appa's food and Toph and Sokka were just coming back from more scamming.

   "Well, look who decided to join us." Katara said. "Where have you two been? Off scamming again?"

   "Yes. We were." Toph replied, setting the bag of money down.

   "And I suppose you don't think what you're doing is dangerous at all!" Katara said.

   "No, I don't." Toph replied.

   "Really?!" Katara asked.

   "Yes really." Toph said.

   "Well then, what's this!" Katara showed the sheet of paper.

   "I DON'T KNOW! I mean seriously! What's with you people!" Toph shouted. "I'm blind!"

   "It's a wanted poster of you!" Katara said. "The Runaway! Is that what you're called now?! Are you proud of this?!"

   "Where did you get that?" Toph asked.

   "It doesn't matter where I got it." Katara said. "The fact is-"

   "You went through my stuff!" Toph cut her off. "You had no right!"

   "Your stuff was messy and I was just straightening up." Katara explained. "And I just happened to stumble across it."

   "Katara!" I hissed. "You know Toph's a messy person! You shouldn't be touching her stuff."

   "She lying and she knows it!!" Toph pointed her finger at her.

   "Fine, it's a lie!" Katara pushed it away. "But you've been so out of control lately I knew something was up! I knew you were hiding something and you were!"

   "There's no boundaries with you is there?!" I muttered frusterated.

   "What about you two!" Katara asked. "You guys are criminals who aren't afraid of stealing!"

   "They're scammers! It's not really stealing!" I replied defensively.

   "You've stolen multiple times!" Katara said.

   "Oh whatever! All the people I steal from a scumbags or rich people who have everything!" I snapped at her.

   "I've never stolen in my life it's all, blazy." Toph said and I glared at her.

   "You didn't need to steal, you were basicly born with a golden spoon in your mouth, Miss Beifong!" I yelled at Toph then covered my mouth. "Toph wait-" she walked past Katara and I.

   "Don't you walk away from me. I'm not done with you." Katara said.

   "Oh really mom. What are you going to do?" Toph asked. "Send me to my room?!"

   "I wish I could." Katara replied.

   "Well you can't!" Toph yelled and pointed to the boys. "Because you're not my mom and you're not their mom!"

   "I never said I was!" Katara yelled back.

   "You sure act like it!" I said.

   "Why don't you act your age!" Katara hissed. "I mean really, you act just like Toph when it comes to stealing! At least she has the decency to scam money and buy things you just take what you like!"

   "Whatever." I crossed my arms.

   "You think it's your job to boss everyone around but it's not." Toph said to Katara. "You're just a regular kid like the rest of us! So stop acting like you can tell me what to do! I can do whatever I want!"

   "I don't act that way." Katara said then looked at her brother. "Sokka! Do I act motherly?"

   "Hey, I'm staying out of this one." Sokka answed.

   Lucky you.

   "What do you think, Aang?" Katara asked. "Do I act like a mom?" Aang rubbed his eye and stuttered.  "STOP RUBBING YOUR EYE AND SPEAK CLEARLY WHEN YOU TALK."

   "Do you even hear youself?!" I scoffed and left hearing the others.

   "I can't be around you right now!" Toph said walking away.

   "Well, I can't be around you!" Katara shouted back.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

   The three of us ended up sitting in seperate corners of the cliff neither of us looking at each other. I was mad at Katara but I wasn't mad at Toph I wanted to apologize to her.
Sokka sent an message to Katara and she claimed that Toph can't write, because she was blind. I rolled my eyes at the stupid, poorly, thought out plan.

   "Come on." I heard and laid back to see Sokka towering over me. I sighed and stood up then we walked over to Toph who huffed.
   "You t00, we need to talk." We walked to the side of a cliff and sat on either side of Sokka.

   "So let me guess." Toph said as we sat down. "You brought us out here to tell us your sister isn't as annoying as we make her out to be?"

   "Nah, she's pretty much a pain." Sokka said. I pinched him. "Oww what was that for."

   "She's your sister and you love her." I smiled, I really didn't want them to fight again.

   "Yeah but you two are right." He said. "She's always gotta be right about everything and she gets all bossy and involved and in your business."

   "Yeah and I don't know how you can deal with it!" Toph said.

   "Actually in a way. I rely on it." Sokka said.

   "I don't understand." Toph said.

   "When our mom died, that was the hardest time in my life." Sokka started and I felt bad. "Our family was a mess but Katara had so much strength and took on so much responsibilities. So did Kaida but the difference is Kaida had to grow up over night, it was like she never grieved over our mother, Katara joined her when dad was leaving." He cleared his throat. "It was like they filled the void that was left by our mom. Now that Kaida's not with us, Katara, took on the whole role."

   "I guess I never thought about that." Toph said.

   "I'm gonna tell you guys something crazy." Sokka said. "I never told anyone this before, but honestly I'm not sure I can remember what my mother looked like, It really seems like my whole life Katara and Kaida have been the ones looking out for me. They've always been the ones that were there and now when I try to remember my mom... Katara's is the only one I see. People often said that Kaida looked like mom but since she's been gone...all I see is Katara."

   I placed my hand on his shoulder. "The truth is." Toph started. "Sometimes Katara does act motherly, but that's not always a bad thing, she's compassionate and kind and she actually cares about me." Toph wiped her eyes. "You know the real me... You too Mirai... You two are like my parents both trying to make me happy... It's more than my own parents." We stayed quiet but I walked over and hugged her but she punched my arm and smiled. Then she punched Sokka. "Don't ever tell your sister I said any of this!"

   "Hey my lips are sealed." Sokka said.

   "And you, that's the only time I'll call you by your name." Toph told me.

    "Good, I don't like hearing it from you." I chuckled.

Edited; 8/1/21
Reminder! Kaida, is my other character from my other book😁✨

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