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We left the swamp the next morning and flew around a bit before landing for some rest. I didn't have a sleeping bag like the others so I laid on Appa's tail which he didn't seem to mind. It was better than a bed in my opinion and I slept much better, only today I was woken up early to Sokka yelling at Momo.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY MOUTH!?" He asked the creature. "Momo, you need to be a little more sensitive to my boundaries."

"Sokka, it's too early for you to be screaming. Can't you wait like, five more minutes?" I asked trying to go back to sleep but I was fully woken up by the rumbling.
   A rumbling far too familiar, I sat up worried, I put on my mask as the komono-rhinos surrounded us.

"Give up! You're completely surrounded!" Colonel Mongke ordered and we really were.

We decided not to fight and ran onto Appa but Aang and Katara went to get their things and we got away.

"Wait my boomerang!" Sokka yelled.

"There's no time!" Katara told him.

"Oh I see! So there time to get your scroll and your staff but no time for my boomerang?!!" He asked.

"That's correct!" Katara answered.

I smirked and pulled off my mask. "Does that make you feel vulnerable?" He only frowned. "Ooh sorry, touchy subject."

"Who were those guys anyways?!" Sokka asked.

"Rough Rhinos." I answered. "They're a Fire Nation group of weapon specialists. They're bad. Like they seriously suck at their job but I guess that's not really important."

"How do you know them?" Katara asked me.

"My father worked with them once." I replied. "Anways what's our next stop? Sokka."

   "Umm.. we need to get supplies so lets do that." Katara answered for her brother.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

We landed and purchased some food and supplies from a small shop that was outside of the town below us. Aang was wearing a hat to hide his arrows while he tried to comfort the Water Triber boy.

"Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka." Aang apologized.

"I feel like I lost part of my identity." Sokka said and went over to him. "Imagine if you lost your arrow, or if Mirai lost her...I don't know mask!"

"Hey, I-"

"Or if Katara lost loopies." We looked at Katara and she hugged Sokka, he smiled for a second but then it fell.

"Here's your produce ponytail guy." The man handed him the basket and I chuckled.

"I used to be boomerang guy." Sokka sadly walked away.

"Did people really call him boomerang guy?" I asked and both Katara and Aang shook their heads and I followed Sokka.

   It was weird seeing Sokka so depressed, usually he was sarcastic and told awful jokes but I sort of liked that about him.

"Boomerangs come back right?" I asked trying to cheer him up. "You know the saying. 'If you love someone let them go, if it's meant to be they'll come back.' In your case it's something and it'll come back." He hung his head low.

"Stop it." He mumbled. "Thanks anyways."

   He crouched down and started silently crying, Aang came over and also tried cheering up the boy.

"Have a nice Avatar Day." The vendor said.

   "Avatar day?" Aang asked.

   "You guys are going to the festival right?" The man asked back and I rolled my eyes but the Gaang dragged me along.

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