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I still didn't want to go back to the camp so I found another place and started bending there. I cleared my mind of Sokka and the rest of the gang now I was firebending through my calmness. I tried to not firebend out of rage and anger like most firebenders do. I fear that one day I might do it in fear and hate but I want to do it another way.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

I destroyed a rock with lightning and sighed then smirked being proud of myself, I knew my grandfather would have been proud. As the sun was going down I walked back to our little campsite enjoying an apple.

"Kaida!" I looked at Katara who had been talking to Aang. "Have you seen, Sokka? He said he was going hunting but it's almost sun down.."

"I saw him a while ago." I answered. "Well, knowing Sokka, I wouldn't be surprised if he got himself lost. We should go look for him."

"It's faster if we split up." Aang said and I agreed.

I walked back to where I last saw him. His head and hands were sticking out of the ground and his ponytail was being pulled on by a baby animal. He was begging the spirits to let him live and he would give up meat and sarcasm.

"Really, you wanna give up sarcasm?" I smirked as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Mirai! Thank goodness! Have you got any meat?" He asked.

"Well, that lasted a good five seconds." I sarcastically said and got on my knees. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I would be even better if you Pulled Me Out Of Here!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed onto the fingers that stuck out of the crack, imagining how painful this would be for him. I also wondered how he even got trapped down the.

I tried to pull him out but nothing was happening. "Stop! Stop! You're gonna pull my fingers off and I don't think the rest of me is coming!"

"Hey, you told me to pull you out!" I yelled and sat down with a huff. He looked at me both of us slightly red for some reason. I looked up and saw Aang. "Aang! Aang, I found Sokka!"

He came down. "I think I can airbend you out of here.

Aang tried but it was just air coming out and nothing happened to Sokka I mean aside from his puffy hair.

"Seriously Aang, I know you're new to this but I could use some serious earthbending." Sokka told him. "So how about it?"

"I can't. I can't do it." Aang replied.

"Well, if you can't earthbend me out of here then go get, Toph." Sokka said and Aang said he couldn't do it because it would be unconfortable. "Well, I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable." Sokka sarcastically spoke.

"Thanks, Sokka." Aang sat down and so did I. "This whole earthbending thing has me confused there's so much pressure. Everyone expects me to get it right away. It puts me in a really awkward position."

"Awkward position. I think I know the feeling." Sokka said and I flicked him.

"If I try, I fail but if I don't try, I'm never gonna get it!" Aang continued. "I feel like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place."

"Mm, how about that?" Sokka replied sarcastically.

"Aang, you're afraid of failure." I said and he looked at me. "I know that feeling."

"You do?" Aang asked.

"When I first ran away I had to stay hidden. I was hurt by my father and so I ran to my granfather, he taught me everything I know." I explained and hesitated as I grabbed the tape but I showed him my hands and the scars all over them.
   "When I was learning to use kyoketsu-shoges I failed miserably, I was embarrassed and felt like my real talent was only firebending but I kept trying and eventually I got it. I let the fear of failing push me to try harder and prove that I was more than a firebender."

"You're right!" Aang said. "Thanks, Mirai!"

"Aang, Mirai. This is my friend foofoo cuddly poo, foofoo cuddly poo, Aang and Mirai." Sokka introduced us to the small animal that was with him.

"Aaw what a cute name for the little baby saber tooth moose lion cub." Aang said picking it up.

"Really?" Sokka asked. "He looks nothing like a saber tooth moose lion."

"It's hard to tell before their giant teeth and horns grow in." Aang said. "Wha'cha doing out here little guy? Did you lose your momma?"

I turned around to see the mother. "I don't think so." I said.

"Hey there, we found your cub." Aang held up the animal and let it go. "See? we have no problem with you, we're friendly."

"Aang, this is bad you gotta get me out of here!" Sokka told him. The thing charged at us but Aang airbended it away. "This is really bad! Please Aang, you have to earthbend me out! There's no other way!"

"You can do it, Aang!" I said and he tried but failed. It didn't work so he ran to the side and danced trying to distract the giant animal.

The animal went away and we heard slow steady clapping, we looked over to see Toph. She was there the whole time and she got Aang to earthbend.

"Aww this is really a warm touching moment." Sokka said. "So could you get me out of here so I could give you three a big snuggly hug."

"No problem, Sokka!" Aang said.

"Actually you should probably let me do that." Toph told the airbender. "You're still new to this, you might accidently crush him."

"Yeah no crushing please." Sokka said and Toph pulled him out.

We made it back to the camp and Katara saw what Aang could do.

"Way to go, Aang" I said as Appa licked him. We all laughed.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

That night we set up camp again and I stayed out for a while looking up at the stars, actually, I was watching the fire ember fly into the sky and enjoyed the crackling of that fire.

"Mirai." I heard Sokka say and I turned to him. He placed a blanket over my shoulders.

"Why so nice all of the sudden?" I asked as he sat next to me.

"You deserve it." He replied, I glared suspiciously at him, he rolled his blue eyes at me. "Look thank you for trying to save me and giving Aang that pep talk. You're gonna be a great teacher."

I looked at him, the way a shadow formed over his jaw, it was mesmerizing. My mind clouded over with a warm feeling, my stomach filled with butterflies, and I felt a little sick.
When Sokka looked at me I quickly looked away, I brought up my knees and buried my lower face under my arms hiding the blush that crossed my face and I went back to watching the fire once again. I glanced at him again and saw him chuckle.

  "Umm about your scars." He rubbed his neck. "Katara is a healer and she can remove them so you wouldn't have to always cover your arms."

   I looked at him and shrugged. "I actually like them." I admited. "They're like reminders of my hard work... they mean something to me."

   He smiled at me and the blush crossed my face all over again. "They look great on you, Mirai." His eyes widened and I chuckled at his embarrassment. "Not like that! Well I mean like that but in a good way! Not that you deserved them!"

"Sokka, it's fine." I laughed as he facepalmed himself in embarrassment. "I think I know what you mean."

"I'm going to sleep. Good night." He said patting my head.

I smiled still hiding my lower face. "Night."

Here is the new chapter, Mirai and Sokka are becoming closer and not just by insulting each other or replying with sarcastic replies.
    But don't worry they'll still do all of that, anyways.

Edited; 11/28/20
Re-Edited; 7/22/21

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