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We all went down waiting in a ditch that Toph had made. I was ready to do this, we all were. It wasn't everyday we got to sneak into Fire Nation machinery.

"Here put this on." Sokka handed me, my mask and cloak.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"We might need you to firebend and I don't want you getting hurt if they find out who you are." He explained, I kissed his cheek and put on the mask.

"You're sweet." I normally wouldn't wear a cloak but I couldn't exactly change into my baggy pants and red top.

"Once I whip up some cover, you won't be able to see." Toph explained. "So stay close to me."
She jumped out and formed a gaint dust cloud then she told us to run and we ran right behind her. I was glad to be wearing the mask since I was afraid of breathing all that dust and having a panic attack. Toph made a hole and we all jumped in then she closed it.
   My heart was racing and I gripped onto Sokka's arm. I felt him squeeze my arm and I shoved him over, the pressure only made it worse.

"It's so dark down here, I can't see a thing!" Sokka complained.

"Oh no, what a nightmare!" Toph said.

"Sorry." He apologized and I held out fire on my hand. "Thank you, Mirai."

   I smiled weakly because it wasn't for them it was more for me. "Yeah let's hurry before that thing actually hits the wall."

We got back out now under the machine, we found a way in and Aang ran and hung upside down from the opening, Katara ran and he pulled her up Sokka did the same but I stopped and asked Toph if she was coming but Toph didn't want to come up because it was made of metal and she couldn't bend in here so she said she would slow it down from the outside.

"Good luck." I told her.

"You too blazy!" She smiled and went underground.

I ran up and Aang helped me up as we looked around mainly following Sokka.

"I need a plan of this machine." Sokka said as we walked through. "Some shcematics to show what the inside of this thing looks like. Then we can find it's weak points."

"Where are we gonna get something like that?" Aang asked and Sokka broke the knob off a pipe.

"What are you doing?!" I asked looking at the steam leaking from the pipe. "Someones gonna hear us!"

"That's the point!" He smirked. "I figured a machine this big needs engineers to run it and when something breaks-"

"They come to fix it!" Katara claimed and Sokka nodded.

We quickly hid and waited until a man came to fix what Sokka broke but Katara froze him with the steam that had filled the room. Sokka ran over, took the map and we ran. Then he looked it over.

"It looks like the drill is made up of two main structures." Sokka said. "There's the inner mechanism where we are now and the outer shell. The inner part and the outer part are connected by these braces. If we cut through them the entire thing will collapse."

"All right let's go!" I said and we walked there.

"Wow, it looks a lot thicker in person than it does in the plans." Sokka spoke. "We're gonna have to work pretty hard to cut through that!"

"What's this we stuff?" Katara asked her older brother. "Aang, Mirai, and I are gonna have to do all the work."

"Look I'm the plan guy." Sokka replied. "You two are the 'cut stuff up with waterbending guys' and Mirai is the 'beautiful, melting girl!'. Together we're team Avatar."

   He looked at me with a bright smile. "Sure!" I nodded only because his smile was cute.

I fire jetted my way to another brace and watched as Katara and Aang sawed through the metal by throwing water back and forth. I inhaled and started shooting fire at the metal waiting for it to go all the way through to the other side.
Not only was it tiring using my energy there I had to make the heat hot enough to actually melt the metal, it did melt and shifted slightly and I fell on my knees my vision spotted.

"Are you okay?" I heard Katara call.

"Oh yeah..." I waved catching my breath. "I'm fine."

"You should stop." Sokka said and I shook my head standing up. Katara and Aang continued so I did too, we got to points where we were tired and out of breath.
"Way to go team Avatar! We're almost there! We're-" Katara growled at him. "I mean, you're almost there!"

"This is taking ages." I muttered.

They continued and as we cut through, both of ours shifted but it wasn't enough to do any real damage.

I sighed. "At this rate we won't do enough damage before the drill reaches the wall." Katara said and I went back to them.

"I don't know how many of those I have in me." Aang said.

We heard scraping and we thought we did it. "We better get out of here fast!" Sokka said and we started running to the door until there was an announcement.

"Congratulations crew, the drill has made contact with the wall of Ba Sing Se. Start the count down to victory."

Sokka started pushing the brace as if it would do anything. "Come on brace, budge!"

"Sokka, stop wasting your energy!" I pulled him away from it.

"This is bad..really bad." Katara said.

"We're putting everything we got into busting these braces but it's taking too long!" Sokka said.

"Maybe we don't need to cut all the way through." Aang said and got up. "Toph, has been teaching me that you shouldn't give 100% of your energy into any one strike, Sokka take a fighting stance."
We walked over to him. "You gotta be quick and accurate. Hit a series of points and break your opponents stance and when he's reeling back deliver the final blow, his own weakness becomes his down fall. Literally."

"So just weaken the braces instead of cutting all the way through." Katara said.

"Then I'll go to the top of this thing and deliver the final blow!" Aang said.

"And boom it all comes crashing down!" Sokka yelled.

"Everyone behind that wall. The whole world is counting on us." Aang said.

"The whole world minus the Fire Nation." Sokka corrected and we all just looked at him.

"Instead of doing a brace each maybe I should just melt half of it." I said. "That way you guys can come over and cool it down causing it to set faster and cut faster!"

"Great idea!" Katara said and we started doing just that.

Edited; 12/03/20
Re-Edited; 7/23/21

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