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We had landed to set up camp just as the sun was setting, I had to admit it was a relief to be on the ground once again. We had been in the air for a few days now, just flying.

"Hey you guys picked a great campsite." Toph said when she was actually on the ground. "The grass is so soft."

"That's not grass, Appa's shedding." Sokka told her.

"Awe, gross." Katara whined.

"That's not gross it's just part of spring." Aang said. "You know, rebirth, flowers blooming, and Appa gets a new coat."

"Aah the beauty of spring." Katara said.

Appa sneezed and we were covered in his fur. Katara whined once again and I chuckled.

"Katara, you make it seem like its the end of the world." I said as I pulled the fur off her.

"It's not that bad, Katara." Sokka said and stood up with fur piled on his head. "It makes a great wig!"

"And a great beard." Aang said and we laughed I mean except Katara.

"I'm just glad we finally have more girls in the group... I miss Kaida." She said and I thought about freckles, that's probably who she was mentioning. "You two are disgusting."

"Excuse me, does anyone have a razor?" Toph asked. "Cause I got the hairy pits!"

She opened her arms and we started to laugh again at the bundles of fur we laughed even harder when Aang sneezed slamming into Appa. Katara finally joined.
We began to set up camp, Sokka and I went to go look for wood together so I can start the fire.

"So what happened to your sister?" I asked curious to find out more. "Of course you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Sokka looked at me and sighed. "She went with Prince Zuko."

"She did?" I asked a growl at the end. How could she betray her own family like that? How could she betray the world?

"No, it's not like that." He said and picked up another stick. "Ever since she joined him, we haven't run into him. She promised to keep him away from us and it's worked so far."

"You guys must really miss her." I said and he nodded. "Hopefully we'll see her soon. She was the only one who was decent to me when we first met."

"Yeah.." He said and we walked back to camp setting the wood down.

I lit up the fire pit then helped Sokka and Aang, I noticed Katara and Toph arguing a little.
After dinner I put out the fire and we went to sleep. I finally got a sleeping bag, it wasn't the best and I hated sleeping on the hard ground but since Appa was shedding I didn't want to use him.

"There's something coming towards us!" Toph yelled and we all woke up.

"What is it?!" Aang asked.

"It feels like an avalanche." Toph said touching the ground. "but also not an avalanche."

"Your powers of perception are frightening." Sokka sarcastically said and I rolled my eyes at it.

"Should we leave?" I asked.

"Better safe than sorry." Aang answered and we packed up leaving we saw the machine as we flew away.

"What is that thing?" Katara asked.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

We landed once again. All of us more tired than before but we still started to unpack the flying bison.

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