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  We walked over to a temple close by, she gave me clothes and told me to change which I did, it was a traditional Sun warrior outfit. I came back to the lady and there was a fire pit. She lit it up and looked at me. She had face paint and put it on me.

   "I see that you rarely use anger to firebend." Mika spoke as she looked at my hands.

   "Yeah." I replied and looked at the fire. "It's what my mother and grandfather taught me." Then I looked at her confused.
"Mika, my grandfather was from my father's side so how did he know any of the stories? He told me stories my mother never even told me."

"You know dear." She replied.

"My mother told him...she knew she was going to pass and she wanted him to teach me." I spoke and she nodded. I mentally facepalmed myself. "I'm so stupid."

"Well now you know that they did it for a reason. The Sun Warriors were a peacful civilization but when the people of the Fire Islands found out that people can use anger and hatred to control their bending they stopped listening." She explained.

"I know how that feels." I said and thought about my father. "My mother already explained that part to me..."

   "Then let us begin." She spoke.

She taught me how to firebend again. It was difficult in the beginning and I told her what I told my father. I really didn't think I needed firebending but I did, it was a part of me and she was going to show me how to get that part back.

"The sun makes us stronger." Mika said as she made the fire grow taller. "You are holding back. You want to prove to your father that you don't need it. You just need to want it."

"It's not as easy as you make it seem." She tilted her head as if telling me to just do it. I inhaled. "But I know I can do it.."

"Think about the sun." I looked at her. "It's supposed to keep you warm, it feels like your being hugged by someone you love, someone you care about and they care for you. Firebending doesn't have to be violent, you can use it to protect those you love."

She smiled and I turned to the fire it was about to go off but I set my hand forward. I closed my eyes. Fire can be used to protect those I love and care about.




My grandfather..


Katara and Aang.

Kaida and Zuko.

My body did fill with warmth as I thought about all the times I had with Annchi and Daiyu, at all the good times I had scamming people with Toph, late nights I had with Katara as we talked about the South Pole and of her family the warmth grew inside as I thought about the memories I had with my own mother and grew hotter when I thought back on my first kiss with Sokka. I opened my eyes and shot at the fire multiple times.
I smiled but tears filled my eyes and I looked at Mika she smiled at me and I couldn't help but see my mother's smile.

"Don't be sad dear." She said. "Your mother would be proud at how far you've come on your own."

"You think so?" I asked crying even more and the face paint was dripping but I couldn't stop myself.

"All your ancestors would be." Mika said with another proud smile. "You can now pass it down to your children and them to their children."

I smiled and wiped the tears away. "Can we practice a little longer?" I asked and she nodded.

I felt such a strong connection to Mika but I can't make out why. Maybe it was because of our background and the fact that she could tell me all these things.
She told me about the dragon dance and she taught me how to do it. I couldn't do it and she told me I didn't have to because Ran and Shaw would already find me worthy, I hoped she was being honest and not just telling me what I wanted to hear.

She told me all the stories she could about my great-great grandmother and the dragons, her name was Hikari and she was close to the dragons always running off with them and bring some down to the temple.
When the Fire Nation started hunting them she would show no mercy to the savage hunters but then she fell sick and even then she fought with all she could. She died at the age of 58 and I thought it was cool that she fought for them that long.
Mika also told me about my great grandmother who taught the warriors the combat and fought with the men when needed.

"What about my grandmother or why did my mother leave?" I asked curious and anxious. "I never would have left. It's so beautiful to be up here alone. Did my grandmother leave?"

"Uhhh well, no but your mother did leave." She quickly said and smiled. "She was only fifteen when a young man came looking for a dragon. He had heard that the last dragon was killed but he was determined to keep searching." Mika explained and then looked a little upset.
"In the beginning your father acted like a decent human being and your mother acted like she was coming from a near by village.
The Chief grew angry that she could expose the rest of the warrior, he forbade your mother from seeing the boy any longer but then your father found the warriors by accident he threatened to expose the hidden tribe, in order for him to leave he wanted to take her and promised not to ever talk about the remaining civilization. She left."

"I knew I hated him for a reason." I said and we both chuckled. "So he just wanted power."

"He did." Mika replied. "But what else can you expect with a man who has the last name Riki.
   I'm just glad you turned out like your mother and not your father."

"I think I should stay here." I said and she shook her head. "But this is where I'm supposed to be!"

"Mirai, you will always be welcomed to come back." She smiled. "You're family nontheless. So come back whenever you'd like, bring back your children in the future."

I smiled and still wondered about who my grandmother was. I mean the women in my family sounded amazing and I wondered about her.

"You can keep the outfit." Mika said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you." I bowed and she bowed to me too. "I will come back a lot."

Edited; 8/1/21

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