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   We landed after a few hours of flying and started walking for hours with our heads hanging low mainly out of being tired but also a little bit of shame from the loss. I took off my mask for good now because it was getting hot and honestly I felt ashamed to be wearing it.

   "This is humiliating." Katara said.

   "Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple." Sokka asked.

   "Both." Katara answered.

   "Sorry guys." Aang apologized. "But Appa, gets tired of carrying all these people."

   "It's fine Aang." Kaida said. "Appa, deserves a break." Appa roared and licked her.

    "I wonder how the rest of the troops are?" Teo asked. The son of the Mechanist.

Sokka had told me who the others were and added quickly little back stories to each of their meetings and such.

   "They're probably on their way to a prison." Haru replied. "Seems like my dad just got out, now he's going back in."

"I know how you feel." Kaida spoke sadly. "I just saw my dad for the first time in almost three years..." I raised an eyebrow when Haru put his arm around her, a little confused. "It's best we not think about it."

   "I miss pipsqueak." The Duke said.

   "I miss not having blisters on my feet." Sokka said.

   "I missed the outside world." I added and inhaled the earthy smelling air, my lungs hurting but I was thankful being out of the cooler.

   "Hey! We're here!" Toph said stopping. "I can feel it."

   We looked around to nothing. "Uh, I think your feet need their eyes checked." Katara replied.

   "No, she's right." Aang said. "We are here!"

   "Wow! It's amazing!" Toph declared.

   The temple was upside down on the cliff. Appa flew us down and we looked around. Haru, The Duke, and Teo went to explore the insides while Aang wanted to join them but Katara stopped him and told the others to go.

   Aang sat down. "So what's the new plan?" He asked.

   "Well if you ask me. The new plan is the old plan." Sokka said. "You just need to master all four elements and confront the Firelord before the comet comes."

   "Oh yeah, that's great, no problem I'll just do that!" Aang sarcastically replied laying on the rock.

   "Aang, no one said it's gonna be easy." Katara said "We got Mirai, back! She can teach you!"

   "Umm...I.." I looked away embarrassed and mad. "I..I lost my bending temporarily."

   "What?!" Aang asked.

   "Temporarily?" Kaida asked.

   "What did they do to you?" Sokka walked over and grabbed my shoulders, genuinely concerned.

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