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We watched Ozai produce the most fire I've ever seen in my entire life. He was burning the entire forest below him, we only saw the birds fly out so I only imagine how frightened the flightless animals were, some being eaten by the hungry flames.
   We watched as he stopped and the airship began to tilt to the left then a blaze of fire hit it, the aircraft crashed into the rocks ahead of it.

   "What just happened?" I asked.

   "It's Aang!" Sokka called after looking through the telescope once again. "He's back!"

   The two began to fight but Sokka and I could see some of it from where we stood especially the explosions.

   "Go Aang! Airbending slice!" Sokka sliced his hand through the air.

   "We should be helping him." I said.

   To this Sokka got serious. "The Fire Lord is Aang's fight we need to stay focused on stopping that fleet from burning down the Earth Kingdom."

   "And how do we do that? Captain Boomerang." Toph asked. "I can't see outside of this floating hunk of metal."

   "Airship slice!" Sokka said and I looked at him confused. "Mirai, do what you did back on the day of the black sun!"

   I smirked, flying us up higher turning the ship to take us to the others. As we turned they started burning the forest all airships had someone shooting down at it.

   "Whoa.. That's a lot of fire isn't it?" Toph asked as she was at the broken window.

   "Toph, be careful." I said worrying about the blind girl even if she could manage on her own. "Just hold on to something."

   I let the wheel go straight and pulled on every lever, button, and hook I saw. As the airship shook I looked at them and grabbed onto Toph's hand.

   "We need to get to the top of the blimp fast." I said running out. Sokka sent Toph ahead and stopped me. "I don't know what we do next. Kaida saved me from having to jump."

   We both looked up ahead at Toph then back at each other. "Watch each others back and if we make it that far, I'll let you know." Sokka said and we kissed and followed Toph up the ladder.

    The airship was breaking as we were cutting through the tops of the other metal blimps. As we got up Sokka caught Toph before she continued walking almost off of the blimp then we ran.
   I was right behind them but then the ship split making me fall and hold onto the edge. I let out a cry of pain as the metal sliced through my palm.

   "Mirai!!" I heard Sokka cried. I looked down and jumped onto another aircraft.

   "I'm fine! Take care of each other." I called to him biting my lip. "FINISH THE MISSION!"

   I pulled off the bandage over my wrist and tied it around my bloody palm, I had to ignore the pain for now. There was the killing pain over my permanent scar that was now going back to that burning and raw sensation.
   I watched them jump onto another air craft so I got up ignoring the pain. I ran forward pulling out my Kyoketsu. I wasn't gonna allow myself to use fire, not today. Today I was gonna prove to the man who I once called a father, that fire wasn't special. I can help take down the Fire Lord with no help.

   I got in the ship ready to make it crash as well as the other ones. I took everyone out now my body covered in black smudged ashes and my skin slightly charred.

   "Oh here you are." As I stepped into the bridge I stood face to face with my father. "You took your time haven't you?"

   "I'll give you the option of jumping at your own will or letting me throw you out." I spoke through gritted teeth.

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