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   We landed on a tiny piece of land in the middle of the lake just away from the main shore. We sat down I mean Aang was hugging Appa, Sokka and Katara were looking at the necklace that belonged to their sister, and Toph and I did sit down.

   "Alright." I said getting up from the rock. "We escaped the Dai Li and we have Appa, back. We know your sister saved Appa, and she probably got away from, Zuko. I think we can go to the Earth King and tell him our plan."

   "Mirai's right!" Sokka said and I watched Katara put the necklace away. "We're on a roll. Everything is falling right into place for us."

   "One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't much of a roll." Katara replied.

   "We can build on it." Sokka told her. "If we want to invade the Fire Nation when the eclipse happens we need the Earth King's support."

   "What makes you think we'll get it?" Toph asked from her spot on the ground. "I don't know if you noticed but things don't ususally go that smoothly for our little gaang."

   I smiled at her for using the name I came up with.

    "I know but I got a good feeling about this." Sokka smiled. "This time will be different."

   "How are we gonna take down Long Feng?" I asked. "We can't get to the king unless that string bean is taken down along with the Dai Li."

   "I think we should keep flying and leave this terrible place behind up." Katara said.

   "I'm with Sweetness." Toph said and Katara frowned at her. "I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se. And I can't even see!"

   Aang flew in between Sokka and I. "But now that we have Appa, back with us there's nothing stopping us from telling the king the truth about the conspiracy and the war."

   "See! Aang's with me!" Sokka and Aang smiled. "It's the whole reason we came here in the first place. We have to try."

   "Well I guess if the Earth King knew the truth, things could change." Katara said.

   "I don't trust the new positive, Sokka." Toph said getting up then pointed at him. "LONG FENG BRAINWASHED YOU DIDN'T HE?!"

   Before he could answer Aang ran over to the edge and we followed to see the small ships, we all agreed and flew on Appa, we had to cling onto his fur.

   "Can we please buy a new saddle?!" Toph called out. "Riding bare back is terrifying!"

   "There it is." Sokka said as the palace came into view. "That whole place is the palace, the Earth King's chamber should be in the center."

   "We have to be careful, Long Feng, probably warned the king that we're coming." Katara said.

   "Why would you assume that?" Sokka asked and I glared at him but he didn't seem to notice. "If you ask me, I think we're just gonna sail right in-" he cut off with scream as Appa dodged the boulder.

   "What was that?!" Toph asked.

   "Air rock! More in coming!" Sokka announced.

   A gaint plate was coming right as us but Aang just held out his fist and it blew into pieces. He got down at the army waiting for us and took them all out. I foget that Aang's not just a kid. He's the Avatar, this is his job...
   We landed and jumped off of Appa, running through, earthbending guards tried to hit us from both ways but Toph, Aang, and I destroyed them. I took out throwing knives and shot them at the guards only to pin their hands together on the pillars. Katara whipped them away afterwards she apologized though. She did apologize a lot as we ran closer, more guards were coming down the stairs but Toph flattened it, she and Aang raised us up as the guards slid down past us.

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