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We walked into the palace sneaking in and he showed me the Dai Li agent with a scar, they took away my kyoketsu-shoges so I had to result in using fire. Iroh and I got on both sides and he told me to go in.

"Hi." I said and the agent turned around. "You sure are tall." I said flirtatiously. "You must be really strong too."

"I do lift tons of Earth." He smirked and I mentally rolled my eyes at how easy guys were. "You have a nice body, how old are you?"

I pulled him down to be my height. "16, you freak." I growled and pinned him down his hands behind his back and I tied his mouth with the scarf in my hair. "You sicko."

"Great job, Mirai!" Iroh cheered and and I smiled at him. We took him back to the house the Gaang and I stayed at.

He knocked and I kept glaring at the scared Dai Li.

"Glad to see you're okay." Toph said as she opened the door to Iroh and Sokka opened the door to me.

"Mirai!" He gleamed and hugged me then pulled me away from Iroh.

"I need your help." I could hear Aang and Sokka scream.

"You guys know each other?!" Aang exclaimed.

"We met him in the woods once and Toph, knocked him down." I told them and Iroh rubbed the back of his neck bashful.

"Then he gave us some tea and some very good advice." Toph finished.

"May I come in?" Iroh asked and I nodded so he did. "Princess Azula, is here in Ba Sing Se."

"She captured, Katara and I." I said and they looked at me I closed my eyes feeling ashamed. "I couldn't find her."

"She has captured my nephew and Kaida, as well." Iroh said.

"Then we'll work together to fight, Azula." Aang said "And save Katara, Kaida, and Zuko."

"Woah there, you lost me at Zuko!" Sokka said.

"I know how you must feel about my nephew." Iroh said. "But believe me when I tell you there is good inside him. He always has and Kaida has helped him find it again."

"Good inside him isn't enough!" Sokka said. "Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, okay?"

"Katara's in trouble. Kaida's in trouble and all of Ba Sing Se is in trouble." Aang told Sokka. "Working together is our best chance."

"Sokka," I said. "Toph, and I trust, Iroh. He came up with a great idea!"

"I brought someone along who might be able to help us." Iroh said and we walked out to the tied up Dai Li agent. Toph trapped him up.
I walked over and pulled my scarf from his mouth.

"Azula and Long Feng, are plotting a coup, they're going to over throw the Earth King!" He quickly spoke.

"My sisters!" Sokka pointed his sword at the man. "Where are they keeping, Katara and Kaida?"

"In the crystal catacombs of Ba Sing Se, deep beneath the palace." The agent spoke and we flew back to the palace on Appa.

We made it back to the palace and Toph comfirmed the catacombs and opened it.

"We should split up." Sokka said. "Aang, go with Iroh, to look for Kaida and Katara and the angry jerk, no offense."

"None taken." Iroh replied.

"Toph, Mirai, and I will go warn the Earth king of Azula's coup." Sokka said and I was relieved I didn't have go underground.

They left and Toph closed up the top. "Before we go in be careful." I started warning them as we headed in. "The Kyoshi warriors aren't here."

"What but-" Sokka started and I cut him off.

"It's not, Suki!" I hissed but I didn't get to finish.

"There's General How!" Sokka said then pulled Toph and I to hide. We watched the Dai Li take him. "The coup is happening right now, we've gotta warn the Earth King!" He ran and I pulled on Toph to follow us.

"Thank goodness we're in time!" Sokka called.

"In time for what?" The king asked.

"Yeah, what are you in time for?" Ty Lee flipped towards us and up to Sokka. "Hmmm, Cutie?"

I kicked her in the stomach hard enough so she slid back to Mai. "Stop trying to get my boyfriend you circus freak!" I glared at her. "They're not the real Kyoshi warriors."

The king gasped and Mai smirked "Sorry to disappoint you." She tried throwing knives at us but Toph blocked them and sent the rock at her. She dodged it and I helped her with Mai.

"It looks like we're dancing together!" Ty Lee smiled as she tried to jab at Sokka. I glared at her and looked at Mai, my kyoketsu hanging on her uniform.

I ran over and took them dodging her hits then I ran over and wrapped the chain around Ty Lee's ankle.

"Eat dirt!" I yelled and pulled on it she was dragged across the floor and I slammed her into the pillar, Sokka looked at me with wide eyes. "What? Yes, I get jealous easily."

"Enough!" We heard and looked at Azula holding the Earth King, fire to his throat. "This fight is over." We raised our arms and Ty Lee chi blocked us. "Get them all out of my sight."

They dragged us away and threw us in the jails where Long Feng was once in. We were all thrown into the same cell except for Basco who was put somewhere else.

Sokka was looking out the bars. "See any Dai Li agents near by?" Toph asked him.

"Nope all clear." He replied and she cracked her knuckles metalbending the door.

"Let's go!" Sokka said.

"I'm not leaving without, Basco!" The king cried but Sokka pulled on him.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

We ran back up and saw Ty Lee trying to teach Basco to walk on his hands like her so Toph trapped them and her feet.

"That is a nice trick." Toph spoke and we got ready to fight Mai who didn't want to fight and let us take Basco.

We got out with no more problems, finding Appa and searching in hopes that we would find the others. We did but nothing looked good, it was only Katara holding Aang in her arms.

"Where's Kaida?" Sokka asked but Katara ignored him and we saw that Aang wasn't breathing.

Katara took off the necklace around her neck, the crystal looking one and put the glowing water on the wound. She held the boy and we watched his arrows flash and he groaned but then closed his eyes. Katara hugged him.

"Katara." Sokka said weakly. "Where is our sister?"

"Kaida, stayed back to fight them, she stayed with, Iroh." Katara replied and I could see the anger in Sokka's eyes.


"She told me to leave!" Katara argued back.

"WE WERE HERE TO HELP THEM!" Sokka yelled. "To save our sister!"

"Sokka, calm down." I tried but he scoffed. "It's not her fault."

"I'm sorry!" Katara said and Sokka's eyes filled with tears as he looked back down.

I rubbed his back and he looked at me. I hugged him tightly, he hugged me back and I could feel him shake but he wasn't sobbing outloud.

"The Earth Kingdom has fallen." King Kuei said.

We lost.

Re-Edited; 7/30/21
This is the end of book two in the actual Avatar series but I will still be posting all the chapters on this one book.
Anyways hope you liked that ending.

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