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   We went different ways and each bought baskets full of things and then we headed back to our camp setting everything down.

   "Where did you guys get all the money to buy all this stuff?" Katara asked.

   "Sassy Sally." I said taking a bite of an apple and kicked my feet up.

   "You got us the extra twenty silver piece, blazy." She punched my arm sitting next to me.

   "She scammed one of the guys in town who moves the shells around all sneaky like." Aang explained.

   "She used earthbending to win the game." Sokka said "Classic."

   "Aah so she cheated." Katara said.

   "Hey, I only cheated because he was cheating." Toph defended. "I cheated a cheater."

   "Yeah all those guys are just scamming you for your money." I told Katara. "Nothing wrong with it."

   "Still, this isn't something we should make a habit of doing." Katara replied.

   "Why?" Toph asked. "Because it's fun and you hate fun?"

   "I don't hate fun." Katara said and placed Momo on her head. "See! Fun!"

   "Ooo you wild animal." I said but Momo fell off and ran.

   "Katara, I will personally make you an Avatar promise that we won't make this a habit of doing these scams." Aang said.

   But it wasn't true, we went into town the same day and started scamming more scammers. It was amazing, although one was going a little extreme, the one of a cart hitting and killing Toph but we got the money.

   "Guys I think these scams have gone far enough." Katara said. "If you keep doing them, something bad is going to happen."

   "We're being cautious, Katara." I assured her.

   "Could you for once stop being such a sour pus and just lighten up!" Toph told her.

   "Oh you think I should be more like you?" Katara asked. "Like some wild child."

   "Yeah maybe." Toph said. "Maybe then you'll see how great we have it! I mean look at us! We're travelling around the world making easy money, having fun with no parents to tell us what to do!"

    "Aah I see," Katara said. "You're acting like this because of your parents."

   "Whatever." Toph said nonchalantly.

   "They were controlling over you so you ran away." Katara said. "And now you act like your parents don't exist you act like you hate them but you don't, you just feel guilty."

   "I do hate them." Toph said.

   "I don't think so. I think you miss them." Katara told her. "But you just don't want to deal with that, so instead you act like this crazy person."

   "Katara maybe you should-"

   "Look I ran away to help, Aang." Toph said.

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