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   We went to sleep that night, I mainly stretched out to take up all the space I could, I was worried for Toph since I hadn't seen her for a few hours but then I assumed she was just exploring the temple.
In the morning we had breakfast which was rice nothing too special. I was eating, I had been ignoring Sokka for a while because my mind wandered and although he did come he didn't actually save me like I wanted him too.
Did that make me a bad person?
   Was I being selfish?
   All that time I cried to everyone that he would come get me and I looked stupid. I was stupid.

   "Hey....has anyone seen, Toph?" Freckles asked looking around.

   "I haven't seen her since she stormed off yesterday." Sokka replied.

   "So she was gone all night and none of us noticed?" Freckles asked. "Damn.."

   "You guys tend to do that." I spat but continued eating.

   "Maybe she's just exploring the air temple." Haru suggested. "There are some pretty fun spots to practice earthbending."

   "Maybe we should go check on her." Freckles suggested.

   "Oh let her have fun with her rocks." Sokka said sitting in front of the pot "I'm in no mood to have her yelling at us again. We already got Mirai, to do that." I glared at him and he chuckled nervously.

   "We can go check for her." The Duke said.

   "Yeah I wanna ride that tunnel down at the hall of statues again." Teo added. "It will work alot better now that I fixed my breaks." The three boys left.

   We continued to eat and when Sokka sat next to me I looked at him, he was eating but I watched.

   "Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded embarrassed.

   "Sorry, just thinking about how cute you are." I said in a sickly sweet voice with a matching smile.

   "Oh okay.." He said and slowly shifted his eyes.

   "Sokka, do you think I'll get my firebending back?" I asked and he looked at me.

   "Ye-yeah. I do." He answered and I sighed.

   "Then we need, Zuko." I told him. "Look before you go all head chief on me, I know Zuko, yes he had all these flaws but you can't really blame him." Sokka looked at me. "There was a point in his life where he was always happy-"

   "He kept Kaida, as his little prisoner." Sokka argued. "Mirai, he's not the same."

   "I need to learn firebending somehow." I replied sternly. "He's our only hope at the moment."

   "Why do you want him on the team?" I could heard a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Did you have a crush on him."

   I glared at him. "I would beat you to a pulp right now it your sisters weren't here." I said before ignoring him and continued to eat my breakfast.

   We heard a crash and looked over to see Toph tumbling from a hole.

   "Toph, what happened?!" Katara asked as we ran over.

   "My feet just got burned!" Toph replied the Water Tribe girls looked at them.

   "Oh no, what happened?" Katara asked again.

   "I just told you! My feet got burned!" Toph repeated.

   "I meant how!?" Katara responded annoyed.

   "Well I kinda went to see Zuko, last night." Toph answered and everyone was shocked.

   "You what?!" Aang asked.

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