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   We continued to sip at our tea, it was exactly how I remembered it when I was much younger. I remember it because it was about a week before Iroh and his son left to start their journey in conquering Ba Sing Se. I listened to Toph as we enjoyed our tea.

   "People see me and think I'm weak, they want to take care of me, but I can take care of myself, by myself." Toph said.

   "You sound like my nephew." Iroh said. "Always thinking you need to do things on your own, without anyones support. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you, help you. Not that I love you, I just met you."

   Toph laughed and I smiled. "So where is your nephew?"

   "I've been tracking him actually." Iroh responded.

   "Is he lost?" I asked.

   "Yes, a little bit." Iroh replied. "His life has recently changed and he's going through very difficult times. He's trying to figure out who he is and he went away."

   "So now you're following him." Toph said.

   "I know he doesn't want me around right now, but if he needs me, I'll be there." He said. "Plus his friend is with him and helping him when I can't.
   She knows she isn't always wanted but that doesn't keep her from giving up on the person she cares about." He glanced at me and I smiled. "She makes up for me not being with him."

   "You're nephew's very lucky." Toph said. "Even if he doesn't know it.. Thank you."

   "My pleasure." Iroh said happliy. "Sharing tea with strangers is one of lifes many delights."

   "No, thank you for what you said." Toph said. "It helped me."

   "I'm glad." He replied and Toph and I got up.

   "Oh and about your nephew, maybe you should tell him that you need him too."

   We all left together going to the some small abandoned town where we found everyone. I noticed that freckles was over with Zuko who was laying unconscious. She was lightly slapping him and then slapped him really hard which woke him up, she headed to help the others.
   We watched them fighting Azula, she fell due to Toph shifting the ground underneath her. I had my cloak and mask on ready to fight her.

   "I thought you guys could use some help." Toph said to them.

   "Thanks." Katara smiled.

   Azula tried to run, I ran after her. I blocked her off with a ring of fire but she extinguished it and she shot fire at me but I dodged it, Azula ran into Iroh and we started cornering her into an old, already rotted away, structure.

   "Well, look at this, enemies and traitors all working together. I'm done, I know when I'm beaten." She raised her arms but I stayed focused on her, I knew how sneaky she could be. "You got me. A princess surrenders with honor."

   We stayed waiting and then she shot Iroh, Zuko screamed and Kaida was the first to shoot at the witch, soon we all joined at the same time until there was a big exlposion when the smoke cleared up she was gone.
   We walked over to Zuko who was over his uncle alone with Freckles who looked just as sad and terrified as Zuko, I felt bad for him and his uncle. Zuko yelled at us to get away from them.

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