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   We had landed and set up camp near a cliff right over the water. I made the fire and we sat around it eating. Kaida was feeding Ming some of the last bits of food she brought for her. I had to admit most of it was gone because Katara and I were too chicken to properly feed it to her but I mean she tried biting us.

   "Wow camping, it really seems like old times again doesn't it?" Aang asked.

   "If you really want it to feel like old times again. I could, uh." Zuko began, he broke the bread he had. "Chase you around and try to capture you."
We all laughed I mean aside from Kaida and Katara.

   "Ha ha." Katara said but Kaida stayed quiet.

   "To Zuko!" Sokka raised a cup. "Who knew after all those times he's tried to snuff us out today he'd be our hero."

   "HERE HERE." We all cheered.

   "Who knew." Kaida set her bowl down and walked away trying to calm down.

   "What's with her?" Sokka asked.

   "I'm touched. I don't deserve this." Zuko said trying to ignore the comment she made as she left but you could see that it really did hurt him.

   "Yeah, no kidding." Katara said before leaving.

   "What's with her?" Sokka asked.

   "I wish I knew." Zuko said and walked around us to follow them.

   "What's with him?" Sokka asked.

   We finished eating dinner and started cleaning up to get ready for bed.

   "Come to my tent." Sokka whispered into my ear seductively and his fingers rubbed up my hips.

   "Sure." I replied trying to hide the blush. He walked away and I sighed.

   "You're hearts racing." Toph sang and I chuckled nervously.

   "Oh hey, Toph." I said and pulled out the book that I forgot I brought her. "You said you wanted to listen to something when we were in that library. I found this book that has a sound box and it reads it to you."

   She took it and opened the book allowing the audio to begin. "Wow thanks Blazy."

   "Your welcome." I smiled even after she punched me. "Good night."

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

    That night when everyone went to bed I waited a while just to be sure they were asleep. I snuck out of my tent and I walked still blushing at the thought and I tried to control my heart trying to calm down. I knew Toph slept with her feet off the ground but I was still really scared of her.

   I bumped into someone and saw it was Zuko. I rubbed my eye and nervously chuckled. "Oops look at that, wrong tent."

   "Sorry do you need to talk to Sokka, too?" He asked.

   "Psshh." I said embarrased and walking away backward. "Pfft, why woud I need to talk to Sokka? Nope sir." I tripped over backwards and laughed. "Anyways uh...bye."

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