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It was a new day, a new and boring day. Right now, we stood there watching as Aang sat on the dirt, he looked calm and collected as he wanted to show us something.
    They were choosing mini vacations, Aang was the first one to choose and he chose this, the middle of no where with a flute.

"What's out here?" Sokka asked.

"A lot actually." Toph said touching the ground.

"Shhh." Aang told her. "I know you can see underground but don't ruin the surprise, just watch." He played and instrument and an animal popped out and made the same sound. "I'm putting an orchestra together!"

"An orchestra, well lah dee dah." Sokka said and the animals copied him.

"You should make Sokka, your partner!" I teased.

Aang continued to play. Until Sokka stuck his finger in the other end of the instrument. "This is great and all but don't we have more important things to worry about?" He asked the Avatar. "We should be making plans."

"We did make plans, we're all picking mini vacations." Toph told him.

"There's no time for mini vacations." Sokka said.

"I'm learning all the elements as best as I can." Aang told him. "I practice all I can with Toph and Katara. I've been practicing my arrow off!"

"Everything but firebending." I muttered not really wanting them to hear which they didn't.

"What's wrong with having a little fun and down time?" Katara asked.

"When you do master all the elements then what?" Sokka asked. "It's not like we have a map of the Fire Nation! Should we just head West till we get to the Fire Lord'S house?
Knock knock, hello Fire Lord? Anybody home?
I don't think so! We need some intelligence if we're gonna win this war."

"But we do have a Firebender!" Katara said and they looked at me.

"Yeah, So let's finish our vacations and then we'll look for Sokka's intelligence." I air quoted intelligence.

"Your turn, Katara." Aang held out the map. "Where would you like to go on your mini vacation?"

"How about the misty pond oasis!" Katara suggested. "That sounds refreshing."

"Oh yeah!" Aang said. "I've been there it's a prestine natural ice spring and I usually don't use the word prestine, It's one of natures wonders."

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

When we got there we were pretty disappointed well, more than disappointed. The, what we assumed, was a giant glacier was melted by the extreme heat that took place.

"100 years has changed a lot, hasn't it, Aang." I said as we walked into the small town only to look back at the fallen sign.

    We headed to a small shop as Sokka and I were walking in behind our friends, a sandbender spit at our feet. I glared up at the man who smiled and chuckled.
   A few of his teeth were missing and I would gladly knock the rest of them out for him.

   "You think you can just spit at us?" I asked reaching for my kyoketsu.

   "Let's go!" Sokka pulled me inside.

   "He started it." I muttered.

"I know he started it but you can't threaten people you don't like." He told me.

I can if you're not around. I nodded at him finally taking a look around at the spot we were in.
   There weren't many people in the silent establishment but it was refreshing and out of the sun, there was also a man at the counter making drinks that looked amazing.

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