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When I arrived to Omashu the Avatar and his friends weren't even here which had me a bit annoyed but I decided to wait since that's what my grandfather would have made me do.
I managed to get a small place for myself and it was easy to manage alone in the city. Today I was grocery shopping with the money I made from a job I had to get. I never really expected to live a regular life for a few weeks, far from it.

"Hello." I looked back at two girl.

"Hi." I greeted.

   I had arrived a few weeks ago, I didn't talk to much people and I had to hide my bending from everyone.

"I'm Daiyu and this is my little sister Annchai." The older one said, they smiled so I tried to smile back.

"Erm... it's nice to meet you." I replied. "I'm Mirai. Can I help you with something?"

"No!" The younger one, Annchi said nervously. "We just notice that you're always out alone."


"I swear we're not stalkers." Daiyu added and her sister blushed. "We just noticed you always walk around alone and we noticed you lived alone."

"Are you sure you're not stalkers?" I asked.

"We swear!" Annchi replied still blushing and panicking.

I smiled. "I'm just teasing you." I replied and she sighed relieved. "Yes, I am new and I do live alone." I explained as we started walking aimlessly to a fountain.

"Where are you from?" Daiyu asked.

"Uh I came from..." Think Mirai, just think. "Yu Dao!" I mentally facepalmed myself I only said that because of Daiyu's name.

"You're from Yu Dao?!" Aanchi asked her face lit up. "That's so cool!"

"No it's not." Daiyu muttered and we looked at her. "There are firebenders there."

I felt kind of bad but I felt the same way about it. We started talking and I learned a lot about them and I had to make up a fake past for myself.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☀︎༓・*˚⁺‧͙

It had been a great few weeks as we started hanging out, I found out that they were earthbenders which was cool watching them. Daiyu was also really cool with all kind of animals and really tried to get us to be like that but I had to admit I wasn't the biggest fan of reptiles but Daiyu made them seem so much cooler.
I was happy to have some friends. I haven't had any since my Fire Nation friends. Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula, they were great but after hearing about everything I didn't want to think of them as friends and as for Zuko, he had his own problems.

"Come have dinner with us, Mirai!" Annchi basically pleaded, we were walking home together.

"I don't want to intrude-"

"Nonsense, we love having you over. Plus our father can't come home tonight." She stood up and pulled on my hand.

"She only wants you over because you always offer to do the dishes." Daiyu teased her sister.

"Ha. Ha. You're quiet the comedian." I rolled my eyes and Annchi smiled up at me.

As we walked we hearded a loud explosion and looked up to see a fire ball pass over the giant wall. I pulled them behind a building and used myself to try and cover them which worked since I was the only one to get hit with the rubble.
I fell to my knees as the wind was knocked out of me. I coughed and inhaled.

"Mirai!" Annchi held me up.

"I'm...okay." I breathed out but really I was hurting. When I felt better I stood up. "Come on you two have to get home!"

"Come with us. We can't leave you alone." Annchi said. I stared up at all the flying fire balls.

"I hate the Fire Nation." I muttered and we started running to their house.

When we heard that King Bumi was not gonna do anything some people created a resistance and Annchi and Daiyu's father helped create it so they had to join and begged me to join them. Our gatherings were mainly underground since it was made up of Earthbenders.

"Good night." Annchi and I said to her sister. As we walked down she was going to join the others on a mission. "Night, Mirai."

"Night, Annchi." I smiled and waved her off

I got wasn't actually going to go to sleep. I followed them out into the city and hid, putting my mask on along with a dark cloak, I couldn't wear my Fire Nation clothes since it was such a hassle.
I did this on occasions to fight some of the Fire Nation soldiers. As I looked around I spotted the Avatar and now only two Water Tribe kids.
I wonder what happened to freckles.
I got down in front of them and they looked ready to attack. The girl froze my feet down.

"What are you doing?!" I asked and unfroze them but then she froze my hands to a wall. "Hey! I helped you guys on Crescent Island."

"Where's King Bumi?!" Aang yelled.

"I don't know!" I growled then calmed down. "Look I know this looks bad."

"The Fire Nation took over Omashu!" Sokka yelled and I rolled my eyes. "Oh and what are you? A firebender!"

"I'm here to help you." I said, the ice melted and I looked at the girl. "I found my grandfather but he told me to meet you guys guys took too long to come back and the Fire Nation invaded the city." I explained then glared at Aang. "But that's nothing new, is it?"
I held up my hands, surrendering, and walked past them. "I can take you back to the resistance but we have to be quick."

I pulled off my mask and looked at them. Sokka's mouth dropped open and I rolled my eyes pulling my hood on. They did the same. "This way." I whispered but they didn't follow me.

"She left us once, who's to say she won't lead us into some kind of trap?" Sokka glared at me.


"You never begged me to stay." I replied and looked around, I really can't be fighting with them.
   "You trust my grandfather, so you have to trust me. I want the Avatar to end this war once and for all."

"Sokka, it's not like we have any other choice." The girl said and I nodded. "Maybe she can help us find, Kaida!"

   The Water Tribe boy sighed. "Fine, but you're still Fire Nation so stay in your place."

   Is he serious!? No Mirai, don't hurt him. I forced myself to give him a nod then continued walking.

"Let's go." The Avatar said and they followed me.

We ran up some stairs but I stopped them and we got down as a two guards passed us.

"Let's find, Bumi and get out of here." The girl said.

   "Bumi?" I asked.

   "He needs to teach Aang, Earthbending." Sokka replied.

   "Bumi? The crazy old man?" I repeated because I didn't think of Bumi as a teacher.

   "He may be crazy but he's a good earthbender." Aang spoke and I nodded because he was right.

"Where would they be keeping him?" Sokka asked me specifically.

"I'm not sure?" I replied. "No one has seen him since the invasion. But he's an Earthbender so I'm assuming they would want to keep him somewhere, where he can't earthbend."

Edited; 11/23/20
Re-Edited; 7/20/21

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