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Everyone headed to bed but Suki and I stayed up with each other talking. I really liked her. She was like the girl version of Sokka but without the bad puns.
She and I had been walking through the temple and made our way out through the other end.

"I can teach you to fight." Suki smiled.

"I know how to fight." I assured her with a smirk. "But I guess if you mean to fight the Kyoshi way, I'm game."

"Great." She grabbed my arms from behind me and put my hands into fists.

My heart skipped a beat and I glanced at her. The blood slowly rushed to my face and my heart started to beat faster, my face got hotter because I was afraid she would hear my heart racing. I inhaled trying calm down and she giggled.

"Sorry." She pulled away.

"No, it's fine." I smiled feeling better.

Suki was beyond cool, how can anybody not like her? How can I beat that? You can't. I know that but I really wasn't jealous, I looked up to Suki.
At least now I understand why Sokka liked her to begin with.

"When I taught Sokka, I had him fight me first." Suki said. "So show me what you got."

"I like a challenge." I smirked and she smiled back.

I had to admit fighting Suki was fun, but she clearly was better than me. We were mainly blocking until finally she got me down, by then we were already out of breath.

"You're tough, Mirai." Suki smiled.

"That's a compliment coming from you." I sat up and exhaled deeply.
She extended her hand for me and I took it. "Thanks Suki, now show me what you know."

"You really are like Sokka in a way." She smiled.

"I hope you mean that as a compliment." I joked.

We spent more time practicing what she knew and it was fun, she was the learder of the Kyoshi and it really showed.

"Finally." We looked back at Sokka. "I was searching all over for you two."

"Hey Sokka," I smiled. "Suki had told me how she kicked your butt."

"Thanks Suki." Sokka crossed his arms. "Anyways, uh... Can I have a minute with Mirai."

"Sure, I'll see you both at breakfast." She waved and left.

Sokka smiled at me and hugged me tightly. I let my body relax against him, I was glad he was back safely, I knew what they did to people in the Boiling Rock. Not as bad as what Azula did to me but I was afraid they would never come back.
They did take a few days after all. Suki did tell me about Zuko being caught by the warden and how Azula had been there with Mai and Ty Lee.

"Listen. I saw how a Cooler worked." Sokka said and this made me slightly push away.
"The prisoners would only be in there for an hour so I can't imagine what it was like for you while you were in there."

"Well, three weeks in a freezer and being claustrophobic didn't help either." I said sarcastically, I tried to joke it off but of course my weak laugh gave me away.

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