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The next day Aang went to school as planned. Sokka and I were sitting outside of the cave while I firebended. I used a whiplash of the fire then I shot it hitting a rock and making it blow up.

"Did you see that?!" I asked a grin on my face but Sokka was working on his stupid schedule. I rolled my eyes annoyed but a smirk dance over my lips and I walked over. "Sokka."

"One second." He said as he looked at the schedule.

I sat on his lap and he blushed then I pushed the scroll down and started kissing him. He kissed me back then stopped.

"We don't have time for that." He said and shoo'd me off. "I can fit it in before we sleep but we won't have the eight hours of sleep."

"You have to schedule make out sessions?" I asked annoyed. "A simple kiss is like a second out of your precious time."

Sokka focused on the schedule. "We need to have a plan!"

I placed a hand on my hip glaring at him. "You're obsessed with plans." I muttered.

"Sokka! Mirai!" Aang came down quickly to get us. "I need you two to act as my parents! Come on."

We wore disguises, Sokka made a beared and mustach while I put my hair up in a bun and shoved a watermelon under my shirt, Sokka placed a black ink dot under my eye to look like a beauty mark. I rolled my eyes as Aang pulled us out and to the school where we sat down.

"Thank you for coming Mr and Mrs..." The headmaster spoke.

"Fire!" Sokka answered with a voice. "Wang Fire this is my wife! Sapphire."

"Sapphire Fire, a pleasure to meet you." I said.

"Mr and Mrs. Fire, your son has been enrolled here for two days and he's already causing problems." The headmaster told us. "He's argued with his history teacher, disrupted music class and roughed up my star pupil."

"My goodness. Are you sure?" I asked in a high class voice. "That doesn't sound like our Kuzon."

"That's what any mother would say ma'am." He told me. "None the less you are forewarned, if he acts up one more time, I'll have him sent to reform school. By which I mean the coal mines. Are we clear?"

"Don't you worry Mr. Headmaster, I'll straighten this boy out something fierce." Sokka told him. "YOUNG MAN AS SOON AS WE GET HOME YOU'RE GOING TO GET THE PUNISHMENT OF A LIFETIME!"

"That's what I like to hear." The headmaster sat down.

We got up and walked out, we headed back to the cave.

"What happened?" Katara asked worried.

"That settles it no more school for you young man!" Sokka said

"I'm not ready to leave!" Aang said. "I'm having fun for once, just being a normal kid. You don't know what it's like Sokka, you get to be normal all the time!"

"Ha ha!" Toph laughed.

"Listen guys, those kids at school are the future of the Fire Nation." Aang said. "If we wanna change this place for the better we need to show them a little taste of freedom."

"What could you possibly do for a country of deprivaved little fire monsters?" Sokka asked and I nudged him.

"I'm going to throw them a secret dance party!" Aang did his little dance.

"Go to your room!" Sokka demanded in the acting voice.

"I say we let Aang, do it." I smiled and pulled out the watermelon. "He's right these kids are the future of the Fire Nation, that's what we have to think about."

Aang and I managed to convince Sokka to go along with it and soon we began to set up for this dance party. I stood at the center and lit up all the candles.

"I can't believe we're having a dance party." Sokka said he still had the beard an mustache on "It seems so silly."

"Don't think of it as a dance party but as a cultural event celebrating the art of fancy footwork." Aang danced.

"They're coming!" Toph said. "Everyone stop bending."

Aang sent Appa to the back so no one would suspect anything. The kids piled in and the ones with instruments got on the platform that Toph made and they played.

"Ladies and gentlemen. The Flameos!" Aang announced the band and we watched as the students just stood there asking what to do, Aang told them to start dancing but they hesitated until he showed them some dances.

"Who knew twinkle toes could dance." Toph chuckled and we drank juice and watched.

The kids cheered, he pulled a girl from the crowd and the two danced in the center and soon the others started dancing with them.

"Wow they look pretty good together." Sokka said.

"Yeah, they look cute." I smiled.

"Eh if that's what you like." Katara said and turned. More people joined and started freestyling.

I saw Aang pull Katara to the dance floor and they started dancing I glanced at Sokka who glanced at me before he pulled me onto the dance floor.

"Sokka, do you even know how to dance?" I asked teasing him.

"No, but how hard can it be!" He said and we started dancing. I had to admit even though he stepped on my feet a couple of times I enjoyed it.

Everyone was watching Aang and Katara so I pulled Sokka over to a wall and kissed him. The facial hair tickled my lips and if wasn't very pleasing so I pulled away not making it too obvious. "That was fun." I huffed.

"Yes it was." He murmured.

"He's the one we want!" We looked up to see the headmaster and guards. "The boy with the headband."

"I knew this was a bad idea." Sokka said and pulled me along with him to find the others.

People put on headbands so the guards wouldn't find Aang we boarded onto Appa and flew away.

"We're safe Sokka, you can take off the mustache now." Katara said.

"Oh no I can't." Sokka replied and stroked it. "It's permanently glued to my skin."

"I'm not kissing you until that hair comes off." I said and he looked shocked and tried to pull it off.

"Way to go dancy pants." Toph said to Aang. "I think you really did help those kids, you taught them to be free."

"I don't know, it was just a dance party that's all." Aang replied humbly.

"Well that was some dance party, Aang." Katara said and kissed his cheek.

Sokka slowly clapped. "Flameo, sir. Flameo."

"Seriously Sokka." I said, he still had the facial hair on his face.

"Mirai! It won't come off." He cried. "Please one kiss."

He went in for a kis but I dodged it. "Ew no." I said and he pouted trying again. "Sokka! I'm not gonna kiss you, it feels disgusting against my lips."

"Fine." He pouted and I smiled kissing his hair free cheek.

"Now leave me alone." I sat back and he smiled as I tried to hide my own smile.

Edited; 7/31/21

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