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We found the others and sat down waiting for the ferry. Aang and Katara remembered Suki and I sort of got over my jealousy.

"You look so different without your make up!" Katara said. "And the new outfit."

"That krabby lady makes all the security guards wear them." Suki explained then smirked at Sokka. "And look at you, sleeveless guy been working out?"

"I'll grab a tree branch and do a few chin touches every now and then." Sokka said proudly over his barely existing muscles. "Nothing major."

"Nothing major indeed." I punched his arm while smiling at Suki. She shifted her eyes away and Sokka looked at me rubbing his arm. I smiled up at him innocently.

"Are the other Kyoshi warriors around?" Aang asked.

"Yeah, after you left Kyoshi we wanted to find a way to help people." Suki replied. "We ended up escorting some refugees and we've been here ever since."
   She greeted Momo and then asked about Appa which we told her he was missing. She asked Aang how he was doing and we looked over at Aang worried. He told us he was fine but he did raise his voice angrily.

"Avatar Aang!" We heard and looked over at the pregnant lady and her family. "You have to help us someone took all of our belongings! Our passports, our tickets! Everythings gone!"

"I'll talk to the lady for you!" Aang told her.

We went down and offered everything we could but the lady still declined and she wouldn't let them through. We decided we had to take The Serpents Pass.

"I can't believe we gave up our tickets and now we're going through the Serpents Pass." Sokka complained.

"Oh quit whining about it." I teased. "You were all for it a few hours ago. Is somebody scared now?"
He stopped and looked at me. I was expecting him to give me a ha very funny look but he just looked at me. "Sokka, what's wrong?"

"I think you should take the ferry." He said.

"Ha. Ha. Looking to get rid of me as fast as you can?" I asked crossing my arms, then turned, starting to follow the others but he stopped me.
   "Is there a reason you don't want me to go?" I asked with a frown.

"" He hesitantly said but he gripped on my hand, I looked into his blue eyes getting lost and trying to find the reason he was acting this way.

"I'm coming too!" We looked back at Suki, she was now packed with make up and in another outfit. I had to admit she did look good.

But she ruined the moment.

"Let's go then." I said pulling Sokka away.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

We made it to the entrance of the passage. It was just a thin rocky trail nothing too bad.

"This is the Serpents Pass?" Sokka asked looking at it. "I thought it would be more wind-y. You know like a serpent, huh, I guess they misnamed it."

"Look at this writing." Ying walked over to it. "How awful."

"What does it say?" Toph asked.

Katara walked over and read it out loud. "It says 'Abandon all hope.'"

"How can we abandon hope, it's all we have." The pregnant lady asked.

"I don't know." Aang said. "The monks used to say that hope is just a distraction. So maybe we do need to abandon it."

"What are you talking about?" Katara asked.

"Hope isn't going to get us into Ba Sing Se and it's not gonna find Appa." Aang told her.

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