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   Zuko and I continued to fight over who Aang should listen too but Aang was still learning. When things got too far Sokka would agree with me which was very loyal of him.
   We had just finished a practice and I had gone to shower, when I was walking out I saw Sokka in his room standing over something. I knocked and he jumped up.

   "Oh Mirai!" He rubbed his neck. "Hey."

   "What are you doing?" I asked and he sighed.

   "I want to find my dad but there are a million prisons to go through." He explained and I looked at the map with all the prisons circled."

   "Ask Zuko." I suggested even though I fought with that boy when we trained Anng I still belived he would know where Hakoda could be. "If anyone can give you the closest guess, it's him."

   "You're right!" He smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back missing him from the other day. "Can I see it?"

   "See it?" I repeated. "Oh you mean the sun warrior outfit."

   "Yeah." He grinned and I chuckled.

   "Fine." I pushed him out of the room.

   Ever since we've been back from the Sun Warrior Temple the others have all wanted to see me in the outfit. Mainly Sokka.

   "Hurry! Hurry!" I heard Sokka clap. I walked out of the room and he squealed. "You look beautiful! I love girls in uniform."
   I crossed my arms and he realized what he said. "I...I like you so Suki doesn't matter!"

   "Oh I bet." I smirked and pulled him out. "Ta-Da!"

   "Wow, Mirai you look amazing!" Kaida called.

   "Yeah, you look great!" Toph had a smug smile on her face.

   "Ha, ha." I walked over.

Aang let me perform the dance with him and I felt happy, I felt like that's what she would have wanted. When I was going back to change Sokka followed me but I stopped him from coming into my room, a blush crossing his face.

"Sorry!" He rubbed his neck. "I just like when you smile, I don't know, it's just been some time since you've genuinely smiled."

"Righ, sorry. I'm just having trouble adapting back to feeling like an actual human." I rolled my eyes. "Sokka, I don't want to make you feel bad about me."
I placed my hands on his face and gave him a soft kiss. "If you're gonna protect me... let me help."

"Of course." He kissed me back.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

   We sat down with the others and ate dinner then started drinking tea that Zuko made. Everyone was growing to trust him more and I could tell that made Freckles crazy she seemed annoyed by that.
    Sokka got up and walked away a few steps I sighed and gave him his space.

   "No one can make tea like uncle." Zuko said after pouring the cups. "but hopefully I learned a thing or two, would you like to hear uncle's favorite tea joke?"
   He walked over handing everyone a cup. "Okay well I can't remember how it starts but the punch line is leaf me alone I'm bushed." We stayed quiet and I felt bad.

   "Well the joke goes," Kaida cut in "What did the tea say to the caffinated coffee, and it's leaf me alone, I'm bushed." I smiled and they all chuckled.

   "Oh that's funny." Aang said

   "It's nice to get a chance to relax a little." Toph said. "It hardly ever happens."

   "Yeah." Kaida agreed and waterbended the tea into a small bubble and into her mouth.

Sokka and Zuko walked away to talk about his father like he had planned.

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   We talked for a while but then we all went to sleep. In the morning I walked over almost stepping on Momo. I'm glad I didn't but I found a note.

   "Hey guys look." They came over. "I found a note."

   "What does it say?" Toph asked.

   "Need meat, gone fishing. Back in a few day. Sokka, Zuko, and Kaida.
   One more thing, Aang practice your firebending while I'm gone. Do 20 sets of fire fists and ten hop squats everytime you hear a badger frog croak, Zuko." I read we looked back at Aang who laid down but there was a croak.

   "Mirai, do I have too?" The Avatar asked and out of laziness I placed my hand on his shoulder.

   "For once I finally agree with, Zuko's teaching methods." I smiled.

   He sighed and got up. "Nobody else has to do homework." He said and started doing the hop squats.

   "Not true. Katara, please take care of Ming while I'm away, Kaida." We looked at the evil turtle duck that sat in the fountain. "Good luck with that."

   Toph and I were ready to leave but she stopped us. "Please you can't leave me alone with it."

   I had to admit we all feared that creature. It was a mini demon, it bit everyone who even teased Kaida. Katara asked us to help her feed it but Toph denied to help, so it was just us two, we tried feeding it but it kept trying to bite us so we just thew the food down and let it eat.

   I sighed as we sat down. "How can she have that as a pet?" I asked and we looked over to see it looking at us.

   "I feel like It'll kill me in my sleep." Katara said with a shiver.

   Evil turtle duck.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

   We had struggled in the few days that they were gone with Kaida's pet. But we managed and hoped they would get back sooner which worked because they came back but in a giant Fire Nation war blimp.

   "What are you guys doing in this thing?" Katara asked as we ran over to them. "What happened to the war balloon?"

   "It kinda got destroyed." Sokka replied.

   "Sounds like a crazy fishing trip." Aang said.

   "I would have want to join if we I knew you were gonna steal this baby!" I smirked and kissed Sokka's cheek but he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

   "I'm sorry I didn't go for you sooner." He whispered and I hugged him tighter.

   "You're forgiven." I whispered back, it was as if those were the only words he had to say to make me truly forgive him, I knew that now he understood what I went through.

   "Did you at least get some good meat?" Toph asked.

   "I did, the best meat of all." Sokka smiled. "The meat of friendship and fatherhood."

   He walked over and Hakoda, Suki, and some guy we didn't know walked off the blimp.

   "Dad." Katara said and ran to hug him.

   "Hi Katara." He said they hugged.

   "How are you here?" Katara asked. "What is going on? Where did you go?"

   "We went to a Fire Nation prison." Freckles smiled and her dad pulled them all into a family group hug

   "That's two prison breaks." Hakoda smiled at his daughter. "I don't know if I should be proud or worried about it."

   "Proud, I saved two fathers." Kaida smiled.

   "Seriously you guys didn't find any meat?" Toph asked.

   Suki ran over and hugged me, I hugged her back and the both of us giggled.

   "Did you do it?" She asked me with a smile.

   I looked over at Sokka and nodded. "He's officially my boyfriend." I smiled and she hugged me tighter. "You're still okay with us right?"

   "Of course I am." She said and I sighed relieved.

   "I heard that Sokka used to be a sexist before he meant you." I smiled at her. "Thank you for beating some sense into him."

   "You're welcome." She and I chuckled.

Edited; 8/1/21

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