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Katara and I headed to the meeting with the Council of Five to make the plans. We sat around the table with the five men discusssing the plans, it was boring but at least they listened to me when I told them about the areas to go through for safer routes. I don't really remember much of the area since I pushed those memories back for so long.
   Soon it went from discussing to actually planning and they set up a map with figurines and so.

"General Fong's space will serve as the launching point for the attack." General How explained. "In exactly two months the army and navy will invade the Fire Nation on the day of black sun."

Momo jumped on the table knocking everything down, Katara and I laughed then she said. "Or we could send in Momo to do some damage. Cause the-" they didn't find it funny and we, both stopped laughing. "Sorry."

"All we need is the Earth King's seal in order to execute the plan." He set us the scroll and I picked it up.

Katara and I stood up. "We'll get these scrolls to him right away." I said and we both bowed. "Thank you General How."

We walked out and since it was late we went to a room that we were sharing only to spend the night in the afternoon we started to head back to the palace walking.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

"We can stop for some tea." Katara said as she spotted at tea shop, The Jasmine Dragon. Apparently today was the grand opening.

"No thanks, I'm not the biggest tea fan." I declined. "I'll take the scroll back to the palace, you guys can enjoy tea."

"Your loss." Katara chuckled and I smiled leaving.

I thought about my grandfather, I was really relieved that he was still alive and they took him to a royal prison along with the other Fire Sages. They weren't being severely punished just locked up until the Firelord decided what he wanted to do to them. It was only a matter of time, unsure time, but I had to really save him this time.
My mind drifted to my father and what he would do if he ever saw me, I was sure he would have just erased my face from his memory but maybe he didn't. I just hope I won't see him anytime soon.

I got to the steps of the palace and then Katara ran up behind me out of breath. " walk fast."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Come on." She pulled on my arm and we ran into the King's chamber. "Thank goodness you're here Suki, something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infultrated the city! I just saw, Prince Zuko and his uncle!"

I noticed the one in the center smiled and I looked at the three girls. It wasn't Suki, none of them resembled the real Kyoshi warrior.

"We have to tell the Earth King right away!" Katara finished and I grabbed her arm as the one in the center stood up.

"We'll go find him." I said taking a step back. "Thanks for coming and uh... helping in anyway you can." I pulled on Katara.

"Oh don't worry. I'll be sure to let him know." Her familiar voice said and Katara turned around.

"Stay still!" I said before shooting fire around us. I held her closed so she wouldn't get burned and made the circle bigger so she could get up and attack but then Ty Lee chi blocked me. I barely burned her hand but she still got Katara.

"So, Zuzu's in the city too." Azula said and they stood over us. "I think it's time for a family reunion, don't you think so, Mirai?"

I glared at her and tried to move so I can beat her up, or at least try to, but I couldn't. They picked us up but started taking us to different rooms.

"Don't worry Katara, once I beat them up I'll come find you!" I said and she looked at me nodding.

I got thrown into a room. "Mirai, it's been so long! I didn't even recognize you!" Ty Lee gleamed and I glared at her.

"I'll make you forget again by bashing your head into the wall." I growled starting to get the feeling back in my body but then they chained me up.
"Why are you guys helping, Azula?" I asked.

"Because we aren't traitors." Mai replied blankly and her voice boring as usual.

"Traitor?" I repeated and stood up. "I'm not even sorry I left. Our father's are murders, they've killed women and children. Innocent families." I glanced at Ty Lee. "Doesn't that bother you?" I glanced at Mai. "Not you, you're too heartless to care. Ty lee."

"Azula's, our friend." She smiled before she and Mai got up starting to leave.

"Zuko, has a girlfriend!" I shouted and this caused Mai to stop. I wanted to hurt her so much, I didn't want to be the only one hurt. I know it was wrong and I couldn't help but want it.
"A pretty Water Tribe girl. It's like he never cared about you, so don't go expecting him to do anything when he sees you." I wasn't sure if she was hurt yet, I didn't really know much about the relationship between the two, Kaida could still hate Zuko but by what Iroh said and everything I did know, I could use it to my advantage. "You should see how happy she makes him, must be a pretty good girl who listens to the boy. Or maybe she brought out the real him, something you could never do!"

   "Who are you joking." Mai turned to me.

Ty Lee pulled her out of the room and I sighed tugging at the chains and thinking of a plan to get out of here. I stopped and thought about everything. Just then the door opened and Azula walked in.

"Long time no see." She said. "A shame too. You had such a bright future."

"You mean watching fire eat up the villages?" I asked. "No thanks."

"Your father must be worried sick about you, after we heard of your so call death my father put him in a higher ranking." Azula explained. "If you must know, he took over ten villages, you should feel honored."

I looked at her. "Shut up." I muttered.

"Oh Mirai, you have a little sister and he was remarried." She continued.

"Shut up!" I said louder.

"Named her Kamiko." For some reason that hurt me.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" I yelled my head hanging low. "Leave me alone."

"I still see great potential in you, even if your own father doesn't." She said and sighed. "Night Night!"

She left me alone, she knew what she was doing, she always knows what she's doing. She left me angry and hurt. After hours I felt hopeless until I remembered Sokka, he said he wouldn't ever let anyone hurt me again. I couldn't sit here and let them do this while he was gone.
I held onto the chains my blood was literally boiling and I used that to melt the chains, my burn was killing me but when I broke the chain I exhaled feeling somewhat better.
I paused and tried to think of where they could take Katara. I took a Kyoshi uniform that they had in storage and used it to get around without being caught. I went down to the Dai Li cells where they were holding Long Feng. I looked through every door but I didn't see Katara. I went back up and looked all around almost getting caught a million and one times.

"I'll come back with help." I said and walked out of the palace. I ran out trying to leave as quickly as possible in order to actually escape. I looked back once and bumped into someone.

"Mirai." I looked up at the hand.

"Iroh!" I said relieved. "Where's Zuko?"

"He and Kaida, stayed back to fight Azula, but I'm afraid they have lost and were taken as prisoners." He answered with a sad tone.

"It's okay," I said. "We'll find them. I lost Katara, so we'll need some help."

"Yes and I know just who we need, follow me." He said heading towards the palace.

Re-Edited; 7/30/21

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