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   I agreed, we were all tired and all had bags under out eyes. I laid back and closed my eyes but then heard Momo as Sokka told him to shush. We all sat up to watch his ears move.

   "Oh don't tell me." Sokka whined.

   "That's impossible." Aang said and I looked over. "There's no way they could have tracked us."

   "I can feel it with my own two feet!" Toph stood up.

   "Well, Aang, if you need more proof you can see that thing." I pointed and they all came to look.

   "Let's get out of here." Katara said.

   "Maybe we should face them, find out who they are." Aang suggested. "Who knows maybe they're friendly."

   "Always the optimist." Sokka said.

   We watched the machine come to a halt and out came Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee on some type of lizard creature.

   "They don't look very friendly." I turned around and pulled on my mask and hood.

   Those creatures that they came riding on moved quickly and started heading towards us.

   "It's those three girls from Omashu!" Katara said and we all got ready to fight.

   "We can take them!" Toph said. "Four on three!"

   "Actually, Toph, there's five of us." Sokka told her.

   "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't count you, you know, no bending and all." Toph laughed.

   "I CAN STILL FIGHT!" Sokka yelled and I rolled my eyes.

   "Okay, three on four plus, Sokka!" Toph said and he growled. Toph created blockers but those things just ran over.

   "Well, we wanted to find out who they are, now we know so let's get out of here." Sokka said.

   I shot fire down the trail and at the end Toph built a wall. Azula shot lightning at the wall and we hurried onto Appa, leaving our site and the three girls behind.

   "I can't believe those girls followed us all the way from Omashu." Katara said.

   "I still think we could have taken 'em!" Toph said.

   "Are you crazy?! The crazy blue firebending and flying daggers are enough of but last time we saw them one of those girls did something that took my bending away. That's scary."

   "She can't see the blue fire bozo." I muttered and they all looked at me. "Sorry, I get cranky when I'm tired."

   "Oh noo!" Sokka whined. "The sun is raising. We've been up all night with no sleep."

   "Sokka, we'll be okay." Aang reassured him.

   "Are you sure?!" Sokka asked. "I've never non slept before! What if I fall asleep now and something happens?! And something always happens!"

   "Everytime we land they're always behind us." I said with a yawn.

   "So we'll just have to keep flying." Katara said.

   "Won't Appa get too tired?" I asked but nobody answered. "Okay then." I yawned again, this one was much bigger, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep like everyone else.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

   Even though we had to stay up and come up with a plan, we all so badly, wanted to take a short nap so we did. So did Appa. We started screaming as we woke up flying out of the saddle.
   I grabbed Toph who was already so much higher than us. I pulled her down to my back and she gripped onto me. Appa woke up but it was too late and we crash landed.

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