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   We had been traveling on Appa for a while now. I didn't do much talking but it was only because I didn't want to say the wrong thing and get thrown off, we were pretty high after all.
   I thought about Annchi and Daiyu a lot. I truly did betray them but what other choice did I have? If I told them who I really was from the beginning they never would have been friends with me. Maybe that's what I should have done. I knew it wasn't going to be a permanent settlement, I was just staying there, waiting for the Avatar.
   You'd think after all the things I've been through I wouldn't trust anyone but I was quite the opposite. I got attached too easily, my father always pointed that flaw out about me.

   Aang was driving Appa, Katara was reading a waterbending scroll, Sokka was mindlessly sharpening his boomerang while I was spinning the knife on my finger.

   "That's dangerous." Katara said and I glanced at the weapon and shoved it into my pocket.

   "Right, like flying on a bison 100 feet off the ground isn't." I replied, she glanced up from the scroll then went back, choosing to ignore me.

   "Hey, you taking us down for a reason?" Sokka asked Aang, it was a good question because it was just a swamp beneath us. "Aang! Why are we going down?!"

   "What?" Aang asked, snapping out of his dazed state. "I didn't even notice."

   "Are you noticing now?!" Sokka asked the boy.

   "Is something wrong?" Katara asked.

   "I know this is gonna sound weird but I think the swamps calling to me." Aang said.

   "Is it telling you where we can get something to eat?" Sokka asked.

   "Really? Is food all you think about?" I looked at the water tribe boy.

   "No, I..I think it wants us to land there." Aang replied.

   "No offense to the swamp, but I don't see any land there to land on." Sokka told him.

   "I don't know." Aang said. "Bumi said to learn Earthbending I would have to wait and listen and now I'm actually hearing the earth. Do you want me to ignore it?"

   We all looked over the saddle even Momo, the flying lemure. The land was covered in trees and looked eerie, none of us wanted to land there. To me it looked like someone could easily get lost in there.

   "Yes." Sokka answered.

   "I don't know.." Katara spoke up. "There's something ominous about that place."

   Momo and Appa clearly didn't like it either. "It doesn't look very welcoming." I said.

   "See, even Appa and Momo don't like it here." Sokka told Aang.

   Aang said bye to the swamp then said yip yip and we flew up again. We heard rumbling and looked back to see a tornado.

   "You better throw in an extra yip!" Sokka told the Avatar. "We gotta move!"

   I was pulled out of the saddle. A scream passed my lips as Sokka tried to pull me back in, I gripped onto his forearm with both my hands but then he was being pulled out only being held by Katara. Aang jumped over creating air around us and Sokka and I landed again, safely into the saddle.

   "So near death experiences happen on the daily huh?" I sarcastically asked after my whole life flashed before my eyes.

   Aang was trying to hold on as we landed in the tornado but he failed and we were thrown off of Appa getting launched into the forest like we were some kind of star falling from the sky.
   We splashed into the swamp getting soaked wet, I mean besides for Aang, who floated down.

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