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Iroh and I did go our seperate ways, he told me we didn't have time for him to explain but that we would see him when the time comes. Although I hated the cryptic message I belived him and left. I ran through the empty village and headed up to the palace.
   I knew Kaida was being held there, I just wanted to make sure she was out okay. I stopped to look over at the fight going on at the bottom, nothing too bad because of the eclipse which made me more sure that I could make it out.
   The whole palace was empty so I ran out of there ready to leave but I watched Fire Nation army soliders get on some kind of machine.
I managed to sneak my way in, even with the anger boiling inside me I stayed calm and then the eclipse ended. I watched as we started flying up into the air the eclipse had ended but I started heading to the bridge of the aircraft. The captain looked confused to see me, I didn't have a real plan but I wasn't going to lose.

"Who are you?" He asked and I walked towards him.

"Stop." A guard said getting in my way but I tripped him and threw him out.
They all tried to fight me but I took them all down, without fire just like I had intended. I knew my father was wrong and I wanted to prove that non benders could beat benders.
As I was done with the crew, I turned to the captain who looked terrified.

"Let's say the angel of death." I smirked under my mask and he tried to shoot at me but I blocked it with the kyoketsu and then tied it around his wrist pulling him over and knocking him out.
And just to be on the safe side I chi blocked all of them. I knew I wasn't as powerful as Ty Lee at the defense but it would stop them from moving their arms.

I grabbed the speaker and raised my mask to speak clearly. "Attention all passengers, I'm glad you all joined the Fire Nation army." I announced with a serious tone. "The more that die today, the better chance you have at losing this war. I hope it was worth it." I placed it down and turned the wheel making the aircraft lean getting closer to one of the other ones.

I set my mask down over my face once again and ran out guards tried to shoot at me but I blocked them and the machine tilting made us lose our balance, tilting to one side. Most of the men were slipping off, I grabbed onto one of the doors and let myself out onto the deck gripping onto the rail.
   One of them came out and grabbed onto my leg but I kicked him off, the bimp like machine rocking as more came out and they were shooting fireballs, easily dodged but before I could fight I turned to hear someone call a hey!
I looked over seeing Kaida on a white dragon made of ice and snow. My eyes met with her glowing blue ones as she spotted me. She was charging towards me and I ran jumping off of the crashing aircracft. Only she didn't catch me like I expected her too and I started falling. I slammed my eyes shut and then slammed against something hard and cold. I opened them once again and saw she caught me, well her dragon caught me.

"Thanks." I said still feeling breathless, my heart pounding in my chest. "But next time catch me the first time."

"Sorry.." She apologized. "Nice work, how did you escape?"

"Zuko's uncle helped me out of the prison we were in." I explained as well and quickly as I could.

"We can't keep them all back." Katara said from her spot on Appa. "There's too many of them."

"Let's join the others." Aang said and we dove down to the rest.

"MIRAI!" Sokka gleamed and I smiled but he couldn't see it. He enveloped me in a hug and I couldn't help but hug him back. But then I pulled away and pointed up. "Try and find cover, I think we're about to see some bombs!" Sokka ordered.

Toph made us a cover. Sokka wrapped his arm around me and the bombs came crashing down on us luckily no one got hurt but we noticed them continue to move forward.

"Why aren't they turning around to attack us again?" Katara asked as we all ran forward.

"They don't want us to leave." Kaida answered.

"They're headed to the beach." Aang added. "They're gonna destroy the submarines!"

"How are we all gonna escape?" Sokka asked.

"We're not." Hakoda said as Bato helped him over. He was hurt.

"Then our only choice is to stay and fight." Sokka replied. "We have the Avatar, we can still win"

"Yes." Hakoda let go of Bato. "With the Avatar we could still win on another day, you kids have to leave you have to escape on Appa together."

"Dad we can't leave you behind." Kaida said running towards him.

"We won't leave anyone behind!" Katara announced and placed her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"You're our only chance in the long run." Hakoda said to them. "You, Sokka, and Kaida have to go with Aang, somewhere safe. It's the only way to keep hope alive."

"The youngest of our group should go with you!" Bato said. "The adults will stay behind and surrender. We'll be prisoners but we'll all survive this battle."

"I've got some experience with Fire Nation prisons." Tyro spoke up. "It's not going to be easy but we'll get by." He said and looked at Kaida. "Kaida, if it wasn't for you I probably never would have come to fight."

"They're at the beach already!" Sokka yelled.

We watched as they blew all the submarines up until there was nothing left. Everyone was saying goodbye and I climbed onto Appa sitting next to Toph who punched my arm. I rubbed it and smiled.

"Thank you everyone for being so brave and so strong!" Aang announced. "I'm gonna make this up to you!"

We rode away, looking back at everyone we were leaving behind. Actually, they were leaving behind I wasn't close to anyone but Bato and Hakoda who I felt sorry for but nothing else it me like them.
I sat on Appa with about three other kids, I've never seen in my life but clearly the others did. Especially Kaida who was with that Haru guy.

"I know just the place we can go where we'll be safe for a while!" Aang shouted over the wind. "The Western Air temple."

Sokka came over to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back but he quickly pulled away. "Are you okay? You don't look hurt."

"I'm perfectly fine." I said then smirked, hiding the fact that I wanted to break down. "It's only been about three weeks right? I'm tough enough."

"Oh no your face!" He said and reached up for my mask but I grabbed his wrists stopping him.

Was he really that shallow?

"Would you still love me if I didn't look the same?" I asked even though my face was completely normal.

He looked at me his eyed softened. "Of course I would." He answered. And removed my mask.

"I'm fine Sokka." I told him with a smile, tears filled my eyes and they filled his too. "I.. I knew you would come."

"I promised I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." He said and placed his lips over mine. "I'm sorry I broke that promise."

I pulled him into a deeper kiss the sensation was familiar and I missed it, I pulled away and looked at him. "You look good in that water tribe uniform." I smirked and he smiled blushing.

"You look good in your old Fire Nation clothes." He said and I hugged him again burying my face in his shoulder.

I missed him.

Edited; 8/1/21

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