0 Don't Think I Could Forgive You

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See our world is slowly dying
I'm not wasting no more time
Don't think I could believe you

Honestly, we never thought it would go this far. We never wanted it to go this far. At first it almost started off as a joke. We had a lucky find and we were all broke high schoolers. Plus, no one would ever pay attention to the Management Department at U.A. anyway. So even if we got caught, we'd just explain the situation, get a slap on the wrists and all would be good. Right? Wrong.

The thing with the kind of glamorous lifestyle that we got sucked into was that everything seemed so easy and everything seemed like so much fun, we didn't realize how dangerous all of it was until it was too late.

And now, here I was. Starting a new life, more or less. I kind of had to after what we all had pulled. But hey - we were young and dumb and we thought no one and nothing could stop us. We were having fun. It wasn't all bad. Hell, most of it was pretty nice. And we were making bank the entire time.

All five of us were the kind of kids that had never been popular in their entire life. We were nerds. Our parents owned companies and all that jazz. We were what everyone considered rich kids - but the reality was, that we ourselves had jack shit. Sure, our parents had all the cash, all the big houses, holiday homes and what not. The five of us lived on a measly allowance.

We weren't cool. We weren't the hero course. Not even the support course. We knew full well that we'd be working hard all our lives until we'd inherit our parents' companies and would have to try and save whatever was left of those. No one would cheer for us. No one would think we were really cool. No one would have action figures of us. But for a while, we had a glimpse of some far off glamorous life.

The five of us managed to become popular - despite everything. And once you had tasted it? It was really damn hard to give up. It was like a vortex sucking you deeper and deeper inside. Being cool was as addictive as it was exhaustive. But I suppose we did pretty well for being in the Management Department.

The five of us hadn't always known each other. But we all started in class 1-K of U.A.'s Management Department in the same year. We all became friends pretty much instantly, because our parents didn't own companies that had anything to do with heroes or hero work. We were at the bottom of the bottom.

Keiko was my best friend since elementary school. We were always pretty different. She had shoulder-length blonde hair and looked like she would make a great trophy wife for some rich guy later on. She liked to play up the whole 'dumb blonde' trope, but really Keiko was probably smarter than all of us. Her Quirk was infrared sight and her parents owned some steelworks.

I knew Yori since middle school. Yori was always up for anything dumb we did together. He quickly became an integral part of the group with his jet black hair he always grew as long as he could before his mother dragged him to a hairdresser. He absolutely loved wearing his hair long and hated how everyone in his family seemed to have such high expectations of him all the time. He was supposed to be perfect. He was far from perfect. His Quirk was Distortion - he could distort sounds, make his voice sound different, all that. It wasn't really useful, but it was fun. His parents owned a pharmaceutical company. Funnily enough, he always had a melancholic streak.

In U.A. the three of us met Saki - a dreamy girl, who seemed to be existing on some sort of parallel dimension all the time. She seemed to be in her own world constantly and she looked just like some soft, ethereal being - pastel pink hair, wavy, grey eyes and always wearing a soft pink lip gloss. She had a similarly dreamy Quirk - she could grow flowers on the palm of her hand. She was going to inherit some meat processing plant and just thinking about her in a place like that always broke my heart. The poor girl had been a vegetarian since she was 10.

The last addition to our little group was Mitsuo. Mitsuo with the short hair and the round glasses, big brains, mathematical genius. He always hung out with us, even though he barely ever showed any emotion. He was cold as stone and kept a clear head when most of us were freaking out. He was the heir of a huge accounting firm and we honestly weren't sure if he even had a Quirk or just a really good memory. Maybe that was his Quirk, because it was immaculate.

And me? My name was Azami, dark hair, dark clothes - not because of some emo phase, mostly because they were easy to combine and practical. My parents were bankers and I suppose I had a pretty good Quirk to follow in their footsteps. I could give people nightmares.

It worked wonders when you needed to get money from people after you had lent them some. Trust me - I know from experience.

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