eleven <3

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**Y/N's POV**

The jet lands back in Virginia and the team goes their separate ways. Emily and Hotch leave together to go see Jack, Penelope leaves with Morgan to go see a movie, Rossi goes home to get some shuteye, Will and Henry come pick up JJ, Spence heads inside the BAU to get some things, and I sit in my car and stay in the parking lot. I'm thinking back to last night and about tomorrow. I feel adrenaline rush, I know I'm about to do something "obnoxious".

I turn on my phone, go to my contacts and go to the first person that comes to mind. I hesitate and then tap the call button quickly.

The other line rings once before I hear his voice come on the other line.

"Heyyy Y/N, I was just thinking about you. What's up?" Spence says.

"Hey! So I was thinking, do you want to spend the day together?" I ask trying to be as subtle as possible.

Truth be told, I want him to come over. I'm so happy for Emily, but I also want happiness for myself. I'm not trying to steal anyone's thunder, but I've caught feelings for Spencer and I don't want to wait any longer. I figure if we spend the day together, we'll end the night together and maybe...just maybe, he'll finally decide to ask me to be his girlfriend.

"Yeah! That sounds like fun! Where do you want to meet up?" He asks. I can feel him smiling the phone which makes me light up.

Well, I'm outside in the parking lot. Maybe we could ride around town and explore. You could finally show me around and you could meet my mom and sister." I say.

"I have been dying to show you around and I would love to meet your mom and Zoe!" He chuckles.

Yes! I'm beaming of excitement.

"Great! See you soon!" I say.

"I'll be outside in like thirty seconds. See you soon!" He says before hanging up.

He was right, about thirty seconds after hanging up, I see him come outside with a huge smile on his face. I decide to drive my car up closer so he doesn't have to search the parking lot for my car.

I pull up to the curb and stop beside him as he smiles and waves.

"Hiii! You ready to have some fun?" I say excitedly.

"Yes! Where's our first stop?" He says with a bright smile.

"I was thinking we go to the diner for some quick food, then get cotton candy and slushies, walk around the park and across the old bridge and talk, drive around town so you can show me around, and then go to my childhood home so you can meet Zoe and my mom" I say while blushing.

"Sounds great!" He says.

We go to the diner and sit in a booth in the corner so we have some privacy. We both get chicken tenders with fries. We talk about the case and how amazing the night before was. Then, we went to the nearest gas station, got cotton candy, slushies, and other mini snacks. We walked around the park and admired nature. When we got to the old bridge, Spence talk me how to rock skip and we talked about personal things. While we drove around town, we made some stops and admired the sunset. We ended up running into Emily, Hotch, and Jack while they were coming out of a small store. Jack was excited about a new baseball cap he got. We got in the car to head to my house, he wanted to drive so I let him.


| Mom : Hey kiddo! Just checking in. Hope you made it home safely. Zoe and I are about to have dinner. We were hoping maybe you would join us and maybe spend the night?

| Me : Actually mom, I happen to be on my way right now. I also happen to be bringing along a special guest.

| Mom : Oh my gosh! Do I finally get to meet the boy Zoe says you like!?

| Me : Zoe told you!? That little snitch! But yes, yes you do :)

| Mom : Yay! I can't wait to meet him! See you kiddos soon! Love you! P.S. Yes she did, you didn't hear it from me though! LOL.

| Me : He has been dying to meet you guys too! See you soon! I love you too! <3

Spence and I spend the drive talking about so many things. I tell him that we're spending the night at my house and he says he's more than okay with it. I'm anxious for him to meet my mom and Zoe, but I'm excited as well.

We pull up at the house and see that all of the lights are still on. I'm nervous to walk in so we wait in the driveway for a few minutes.

"You ready?" Spence asks.

"More than ready!" I say but my voice breaks and he realizes.

"What's wrong?" He asks, putting his hand on my thigh.

"I'm just a little nervous. I haven't been here in a while." I say

"It'll be okay. I'm by your side. I'll be here for you the entire time." He says with a smile. That darn smile.

As we begin to walk up the stone path that leads up to the porch, he subtly grabs my hand. I do the same and put my hand into his. We both look down at our hands and interlock fingers. We then trail our gaze up to eachother, meet eyes, and smile. I blush as he fixes a strand of my hair. We walk up to the front door and I grab my key. I unlock the door and we step inside. I hear my mom humming in the kitchen and Zoe on FaceTime upstairs with her bestfriend.

"I'm homeee!!" I yell.

I hear Zoe scream of excitement and shock while upstairs in her room. Within seconds, she is running down the stairs.

"HI BUB! OH MY GOD, THIS IS REAL!? HIII!! I HAVE MISSED YOU!!" She exclaims while jumping up and down. She runs up and gives me a hug.

In the middle of the hug she notices Spencer and her jaw drops.


My mom enters the room with a smile. "Hey kids!" She turns to Spence, "I'm glad to finally meet you."

"Mom, this is Spencer. He's taken me under his wing at the BAU." I chuckle, "Don't be offended that he didn't shake your hand. He never shakes hands with anyone for multiple reasons. He's also a genius and a doctor with three pHD's" I smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you both. I apologize for not shaking your hand. It's not meant to be rude in any way. Just, the amount of pathogens passed in just one simple handshake is remotely dangerous." He says.

My mom smiles and nods, "There's no offense taken, no need to apologize. Please, both of you, come inside.

As we get seated on the couch, Zoe starts to talk a lot to Spence and I.

"Mom didn't tell me you guys were coming. I'm so happy you guys are here! How long are you staying?" She smiles.

"Well, we're going to be staying here, at the house for the night, and we'll both be attending the memorial tomorrow. We'll be leaving tomorrow night because we will probably be called away for a case the day after." I say with a smile.

"I'm so glad I get to spend the day with you guys!" Zoe exclaims.

My mom comes into the living room, "Zoe honey, come help me set the table while Spencer and Y/N go upstairs and settle in."

"Okay!" Zoe says with a smile.

"Spencer, the guest room is open if you'd like to stay in there." She says.

"Okay, that sounds-" Spence begins, but I cut him off.

"It's okay mom, he'll be sleeping in my room tonight. I mean, we are adults. I can handle a boy being in my bed for the night and behave myself." I laugh.

"Okay, then that's settled." She nods.

I decide to show him around the house before we head up the stairs.

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