twenty three <3

461 11 3

*y/n's pov*



I quickly open the group text as everyone begins to shoot their replies.

Aaron Hotcher : Be at the BAU in thirty minutes. We have a new case. Seattle, Washington. Garcia and I will brief you on more when you arrive.

Emily Prentiss : on my way. *rolling eye emoji* *yawning emoji*

Derek Morgan : Ok Hotch. See you guys soon.

David Rossi : Already driving there!

Jennifer Jareau : Be there in 10 to help set up.

Me : Spence and I are getting ready right now, we'll be there soon.

Ughhh. Just what I needed, a new case. My head hurts more than ever. My brain feels like it's rocking back in forth. I touch my forehead and wince. Ow. My head is burning, it feels hotter than a burning stove or hot curling iron. I feel like I need to call in sick - but there's already a new case. I don't want it to seem as though I'm trying to get out of the case. I hop out of bed and head to the bathroom. I take a cold shower to try and cool myself down. I brush my teeth and dance to some of my favorite songs - wildest dreams by taylor swift, watermelon sugar by harry styles, etc. to get myself in a better, upbeat mood. I grab two Advils and one Ibuprofen and swallow them down with breakfast. 

I walk back into the room and realize Spence is still asleep.

"Wakey Wakey Spencie." I say, giggling a lot.

He smiles and groans, "It's so early though. Five more minutes."

I throw a pillow at him, "Get up you lazy bum." I laugh.

He groans again, "Do we have a new case?" He asks.

"Yep. Seattle, Washington." I say fondly.

He groans for a third time as I hop into bed with him, laying my chest on his forehead. 

He winces and jolts up feeling my extra hot forehead, "Y/N, your burning up badly. Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say as he looks at me, completely unconvinced, "My muscles feel a little weak and I'm burning up a bit, but I'm fine. Really. I'm good. I'll live" I say as I sit up next to him.

"Y/N-" He pauses, examining me very closely, "Your pale but your cheeks are redder than usual. Your burning up and sweating a lot. Your hands are shaking and your legs are trembling. Are you sure your okay enough to go to work?" He asks again.

Damn. I really hate profilers. Especially profilers who are also doctors and geniuses.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say as my ears begin to ring and my vision blacks out a bit. There's no way that I'm dehydrated, I just drank two whole bottles of water. It's not a hangover, I barely drank last night while I was out with Emily, Penelope, and JJ - and when I was, it was just non-alcoholic red wine - so that's ruled out. What the hell is going on with me?

-time lapse : arriving at the bau-

Spence and I get to the BAU together at 5:17. Back at the house, Spence had gotten ready as I checked my temperature - 99.8 - It was high, but it wasn't in the hundreds yet so I ignored it. I was still feverish, dizzy, etc. but I had decided to ignore it. There was no way I was going to miss this case, especially not since I could see my cousin - Lexie Grey - again. Walking into the BAU was a bit of a trouble because I kept getting dizzy and my vision kept blacking out but I had to make it so no one would notice. We arrive to the main area - meeting up with Rossi, Derek, and Emily - while waiting on JJ, Garcia, and Hotch to finish setting up the conference room for the case briefing. My lower stomach squeezes as I feel the need to vomit.

"Hey Y/N, you okay?" Emily asks, looking a bit worried.

"Yeah Pretty Lady, you ain't looking so pretty today." Morgan says jokingly with a slight chuckle.

"I'm fine. I just need to use the ladies room real quick." I say with a nod before rushing off to the restroom, the urge to vomit getting stronger and stronger every step of the way.

I get to the restroom, rushing into a stall, holding my hair in one hand. The vomit rushes up quickly, my throat burning every single time I cough. 

After I finish vomiting, I sit back on the bathroom floor in the stall, attempting to catch my breath and wipe away tears. Every time I vomit, I always get the urge to cry and/or lose my breath. Getting up, I look at myself in the mirror. I have smudged mascara under my eyes. I was my face with cool water before I go back to the stall to flush the toilet as I notice something wrong about my vomit in my peripheral view. I glance over to examine it.

Blood. In my vomit. I'm bleeding internally. Great.

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