six <3

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***Spence's POV***

Morgan's still being my wingman as we're walking to the Jet Platform. I never technically asked for help if you recall the situation. Y/N showed up at the BAU, I got awkward, but Morgan told me to follow the steps of what he calls "Fight It and Flirt". I want to please Y/N but with the tips that Morgan is giving me? I just don't know if I'm the same as Morgan when it comes to this.

"Hey. Yo Reid! Hey Pretty Boy. Hello?" Derek starts waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, uh sorry, I zoned out. What's up Derek?" I try to make everything seem casual so he doesn't profile me and realize that I was thinking about trashing his "Fight it and Flirt" tips.

Derek laughs, "Clearly you did Reid," He notices me get distracted again when I look back at Y/N because I hear her laugh and asks me, "Hey, Reid, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing, just thinking some things through" I say as we walk to the Jet.

As we're boarding the plane, I sit in a seat so we can have one more case briefing with Garcia before we get there. Morgan sits across from me, Y/N sits next to me, JJ and Emily sit across the aisle from us, and Hotch and Rossi stand while we get the briefing from Penelope over the usual laptop. We have briefings like this in case anything has changed during the thirty minutes that we're taking to get ready and grab our things for the case.

"Each of the victims were at a social gathering the night that they we're abducted. Witness reports say that they were there one minute, gone the next" Hotch clarified.

"That shows that his guy doesn't waste any time. He knows who he wants and how to get them. That shows organization and sophistication." Derek carried on.

"He had Craig and Heather for less than twelve hours before he killed them" Rossi said before continuing on, "We may already be out of time to save Michelle"

"There's no link in victimology. What troubles me is the constant variation in MO" Hotch said.


My phone buzzes and Hotch nods in approval so I answer it.

Derek Morgan : Dude, get to work.

Me : What? I am working.

Derek Morgan : Your the genius on this team and I've been one-upping you this entire time. Start one-upping me back. State some random fact and start putting that brain to work.

Me : Okay.

Quick Spencer say something smart

"The speed and efficiency of the abduction suggests one unsub, so is he using weapons of opportunity or specifically catering his murder ritual to each of his victims?" I blurt out after looking down at the case file.

JJ nods and continues "There's clear overkill on both. Craig's face was caved in, and the damage to Heather's genitals was extensive."

"He's angry, but about what?" Y/N asks.

"Well, the motive on Heather appears sexual, she was stripped down to nothing more than a watch while Craig was left fully clothed" JJ replied.

"His watch was missing. There might be some kind of financial motivation in this" Derek added on.

Rossi argued Derek's thought, "Or it's just plain old-fashioned jealousy. He kills Craig in a rage and the beast is unleashed. That's when he starts targeting women."

Derek nods at me in 'approval' that he won't one up me as Rossi turns to me. I think Rossi has caught onto what Derek and I were doing.

"His areas of control appears to be quite large. What's interesting is that he dumps the bodies in the same district they're abducted from." I say nodding back at Derek.

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