twenty four <3

482 11 7

*spencer's pov*

I save Y/N a seat in the conference room, waiting for her to come back from the restroom. The team is scattered around the conference room, waiting to start. Hotch always makes everyone wait so that the entire team is there during the briefing, that way no one misses anything really important that we don't talk about on the Jet. It helps to avoid the team making any mistakes or missing any important detail while catching the unsub or coming up with the profile. I glance around the room at and examine what everyone is doing - Hotch is sitting down and talking with Emily, JJ and Penelope are showing each other pictures off of their cell phones, Morgan is on the phone with Savannah, and Rossi is getting a cup of coffee from the coffee machine.

After about five minutes, Y/N comes into the room.

"Sorry I'm late" She says to Hotch before slowly taking a seat next to me.

Hotch nods, "It's okay. Let's start." He says, sternly to Garcia.

"Okay so..." Garcia says, continuing onto giving the profile. The entire team chimes in with details and information about specific things they notice, making the briefing turn into a mini discussion, just like it does for every case. I usually chime in as well, but I'm caught of guard again by Y/N's trembling.

"Are you okay?" I ask, resting my hand on her thigh, trying to ease the trembling.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She says, brushing hair out of her face.

"Y/N, I know your not okay. What is it?" I ask.

Y/N grasps her hands around her stomach in discomfort and shakes her head, ignoring my question and listening in on the discomfort.

Hotch clears his throat, "This is why we can't waste anymore time. Wheels up in thirty." He says in a stern, calm voice.

Everyone gets up and starts grabbing their case files and talking. Y/N rushes out of her seat and looks around as her legs tremble. She puts her hands out, as if she's lost her balance or she can't see anything around her.

"Y/N..." I say, slowly approaching her.


"Holy shit! Y/N..." I yell, running over to her, checking her pulse as Hotch and Morgan get closer to help.

She begins to shake and choke. She's seizing.

"Let's get her on her side." Morgan instructs to Rossi.

"Get them out of here." Rossi yells to JJ, pointing to Hotch, Emily, and I.

What the hell is going on?

"Baby Girl, call 911, and get the medics from downstairs up here NOW!" I here Morgan say as JJ pushes me out of the room.

-time lapse : getting on the jet-

"Okay so, you guys will be pairing up with the doctors from Seattle Grace Hospital. They are working with burn victims from the explosion and all the other patients there. They also have patients in the morgue so you guys can examine the unsub's MO. Morgan will not be joining you guys for the first half of this case. So good luck." Garcia says before chiming out of the call.

Morgan's not coming? Why doesn't he just have Y/N transferred here? Is Y/N cheating on me with Morgan? Oh hell no. MY BESTFRIEND!?!? That's why she was so secretive the other night!

-time lapse : arriving at seattle grace-

"Spencer!!" Lexie squeals, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hi Lexie. How have you been?" I say with a bright smile.

"I've been doing good. You and Y/N should meet my boyfriend, Mark Sloan. Where is Y/N by the way..." She asks, looking at me and then glancing at the team behind me, searching for Y/N.

"She's back at Quantico with Agent Derek Morgan, one of my good friends." I say, pressing my lips together.

"Oh, why aren't they working the case with you?" She asks.

"She had a seizure before we left. Rossi kicked me out of the conference room and sent me on the case with Emily and Hotch." I nod along, pressing my lips together tighter.

"Why don't you have her transferred here?" She asks.

"Yeah, let's do that. I mean her last surgery was done here anyways..." I say as I follow Lexie to the nurse's station to fill out paperwork as the entire team disperses to work on different parts of the case.

-time lapse : y/n being transferred to seattle grace / in the icu after surgery-

"I have good news Dr. Reid." Dr. Kepner says with a smile, "Agent Y/N should make a speedy recovery soon."

I smile huge. Thank God she's okay.

"The seizure was caused by stress put on the temporal lope - but Dr. Shepherd was able to fix the nerves with minimal damage - she might sleep for a little longer than usual during Recovery. The internal bleeding was mainly caused by the six stab wounds. She had a previous stressor that made the stitched up wounds burst open." She explains.

"I understand." I say with a nod as she leaves the room.

-time lapse : last night on the case-

Morgan and I are driving back to Seattle Grace Hospital after the long, exhausting case is finally closed. The thoughts of Y/N possibly cheating on me with him fill my mind, driving me insane.

"Are you sleeping with Y/N!?" I burst out, catching Morgan completely off guard.

"What the hell are you talking about Reid?" Morgan asks, glancing over at me while managing to keep his eyes on the road.

"Are you sleeping with her?" I ask again sternly.

"NO! What the hell are you talking about Reid? Where the hell is this coming from? Why the hell are you asking if I'm sleeping with her!? That's your fucking girl Reid! I have Savannah!" Morgan yells as I shake my head, "Pretty Boy, where is this jealousy and rage coming from?"

"I- I don't know... I- I just- you kicked me out of the room and I was sent on the case. I couldn't even be by her fucking side! And you guys are getting so close! Like what if she catches feelings for you instead of me!? Like your Derek fucking Morgan! You pull every girl in existence!" I yell.

"Pretty Boy- I- Reid- I could pull any girl in front of me..." He pauses as we pull over, "But I would NEVER EVER take the girl you love away from you. Your like a brother to me, and I have always loved you. And Y/N makes you happy and I love seeing you happy. I'm not gonna take your happiness away." Morgan says as a sympathetic look comes over his face. 

"Yeah, your right.. I- I don't know what I was thinking." I say, shaking my head and kicking my toes inward as the tips of my converse make clicking sounds every time they collide.

"Now let's go inside and see how your girl is doing." He says, patting my shoulder and getting out of the car.

I hop out of the car and head inside with Morgan, stopping at the coffee cart on the way so I can get Y/N her favorite coffee and bagel. We walk inside, welcomed by Dr. Kepner, Lexie, Emily, and Hotch.

"Hi Boys." Lexie says with a bright smile.

"Hey there uh-" Derek says, leaving a blank for her to fill in her name.

"Lexie." She says with a nod, "Sorry I haven't fully introduced myself. I don't visit Y/N during my shifts because Dr. Baylie says I can only visit her during visiting hours and family can't operate on family and she doesn't want my work to be affected." Lexie nods

"It's all good." Morgan says before walking up to Hotch.

"Hi Spencer." Lexie says.

"Hi Lexie." I say back with a slight smile.

Don't you dare ask her if Morgan and Y/N are secretly sleeping together. They're in a hospital surrounded by supervision of doctors! I think to myself.

"Hi Dr. Reid, Y/N is awake thankfully and she's asking for you." Dr. Kepner says.

"Okay, can you bring me to her please?" I ask with a slight smile.

"Of course. Right this way..." She says, directing me to follow her.

Thank God she's okay.

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