twenty six <3

442 11 4

*spencer's pov*

I arrive at the BAU at 5:17AM. Today is the day, today is the day that I'm going to talk to Y/N and fix everything. The clock strikes 5:23, the time that Y/N arrives everyday, but there's no sign of her... She doesn't walk through the door with a coffee in her hand and a blushing smile on her face like she does. Maybe she's just running late... Soon later, the clock strikes 5:46AM, the latest she's ever arrived during her time at the BAU. Usually she'd be racing down the hall and burst into the door standing next to Morgan, panting and trying to catch her breath. They'd see that they arrived at the same time in the parking lot out front by the entrance and race their way up here to see who would clock in first. But there's no sign of her, just Morgan walking in with a bright smile. A frown comes across my face as he walks in, and he notices.

"Woah Pretty Boy, what's wrong with you?" He asks.

"Nothing. It's just, usually this is the latest Y/N has ever been during her time at the BAU, and yet she still hasn't arrived. It's just odd. What if something is wrong?" I say, worry filling my mind.

"I'm sure it's nothing bad..."Morgan says as Garcia comes running out of her office, " good morning babygirl." Morgan says with a bright smile.

"Hey, yeah, uh hi Derek." She says, rushing right past him and up to me with tears in her eyes.

"Woah Garcia, what's wrong? Did something happen?" I ask, a bit startled.

"Have you checked your voicemail!? Or talked to Emily about her. I mean Hotch said she wasn't lying and that she actually resigned. I mean she left... She said she'll send you the key and move out and she'll be disappearing off the grid and I-" Garcia sputters.

"Woah woah woah, babygirl, what's going on?" Morgan asks, interrupting her.

"Y/N...." She says as tears roll down her cheeks. She's caught JJ's and Rossi's attention as well. Along with Hotch and Emily's as they walk into the room.

"Yes, Y/N is leaving the BAU. She sent in a letter of temporary reassignment. She said if she doesn't return within 24 hours, to fully resign her and fill in her spot with a new agent." Hotch says sternly, trying to hold back emotions.

"NO! SHE CAN'T DO THAT!" I yell.

"Check your voicemail!" Garcia yells, "She mainly left you a good bye."

I quickly grab out my phone and check my voicemail.


I quickly turn up my volume and put the voicemail on speaker, placing it on my desk for the whole team to listen.

"Heyyyy. uh sorry hey. I don't really know if you care or not, I mean, you don't have to. You left for a reason. But I called to say I'm sorry. Since the whole 'us' thing isn't working out, and since it's affecting our work, I have decided to resign from the BAU. I'm putting in my resignation tonight, therefore I won't be at work tomorrow. I want to thank you, for the best year and a half of my life. I don't know what I would've done without you. I bought a plane ticket tonight, I'll be leaving the state for a while. I- uh- I don't really know where I'm going to go, but I'll go somewhere. As for the house, I will get the paperwork and remove my name off the lease and send it from the new destination I'm going to. The paperwork won't have a return address though - I don't really want anyone to find me. I don't really know what I expected this call to be--- I guess I maybe thought of it as a good bye call. Yeah, that's what it is, a good bye call. Anyways, I want to thank you as well for being the most amazing best friend and an even better boyfriend. I wish you all the best. I'll tell Emily the airport I'm going to...In case you want to say good bye or stop me or I don't know- Confess your love for me? I don't know, I'm drunk and sad and I'm watching way to many romantic comedies. That's all. I'll have movers get my shit out by the end of the week. I wish you all the best Spence- I mean- uh Dr. Spencer Reid. I hope you meet a new girl and she makes you happy and I hope she is just as dorky as you. I know you probably hate my guts right now, but I'll miss you. I'll miss every moment I could've had with you. Good night Spence. That's basically it. Well, I guess this is good Good Bye Spencie. Keep being amazing and dorky. I- I love you."

My eyes get heavy as tears rush down my face.

"She said that you would tell you the name of the airport..." I say turning to Emily.

"Yes. Do you want to go?" She asks.

"Yes, and you all can come with me." I say, rushing out of the door to get in the car.

-time lapse : arriving at the airport-

"Y/N! Y/N!" I yell, looking around the airport, searching for Y/N.

"Garcia, find her Gate number and send it to us please."  Hotch says.

"It's Gate 87A sir." Garcia says politely.

"That's this way." I say, bolting down the hall.

"Excuse him. He's trying to find the girl he loves." I hear Morgan say to an elderly woman I bumped down.

"FBI move out of the way!!" JJ yells.

"JJ! We could get in trouble for falsely using that phrase! We're not on a case!" I hear Hotch say to JJ.

"Your worried about that now!? This is a case! A case for Dr. Spencer Reid to find Agent Y/N and prevent her from making a huge mistake by leaving the BAU!" JJ exclaims.

"Thank you for the backup JJ." I say.

After five more minutes of searching I find Gate 87A.

"Final Call for Gate 87A, please come to the Gate to board now" A security worker says over the intercom.

I see a girl with pale skin, glasses, and dark brown hair get up out of her seat, grabbing a large rosy light pink suitcase. Y/N!

"Y/N! Y/N! Wait! Don't board the plane!" I yell, hoping she'll wait up.

She takes an immediate stop and turns around. She runs to me and jumps into my arms, hugging me.

"I knew you would come..." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Y/N, please don't do it. Don't leave the BAU. Don't leave the team. Don't leave me." I say, hugging her tightly, "We can work on this...on us."

"AWWW!" Emily and JJ say in complete awe.

"Hey mama, I just thought you would want to see something happy after today." Morgan says as he lifts up his phone, on a FaceTime call with Garcia.

"Aww hugs!! Good spirits are the best!! I love you guys." Garcia says.

Y/N smiles, planting a sudden kiss on my lips. I quickly kiss back before pulling away. I spin around rapidly with Y/N in my arms making her giggle, wrapping her arms tighter around my neck and hugging me tighter.

There's no place I'd rather be. I think to myself with a huge smile as I set Y/N down and she grabs my hand to hold it. 

Then I realize - Shit! The only problem to this is that I haven't fully stopped Dilaudid.

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