fifty seven <3

241 6 1

*y/n's pov*

"Party at my mansion. 7:30pm. Make sure to swing by." Rossi announces to the team, smiling bright.

Hotch nods, "We'll be sure to be there Dave." He says, reassuringly.

"It'll be amazing." I say, turning to Spence who's focused on the case file in front of him.

I bite the inside of my cheek as Spence looks up at me.

His eyes flick up and down, "Hey, are you okay? You seem kinda pale." He asks, examining my body once more.

I hesitate for a moment. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say, nodding my head.

C'mon Y/N. That was a lie. You know that. Just tell the boy already...

That's it!

The perfect idea strikes my mind as I rapidly pull out my phone, texting Zoe and Penelope.


As I finish up my paperwork, I send it straight to Hotch's office. I head back to my desk to gather my things as Spence waits for me patiently.

"Hey. Thanks for waiting." I say, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss.

"Yeah ofcourse. What are your plans for the rest of the day?" He asks.

"Well, I was gonna go home and spend some time with the kids." I say.

"Do you want to go on an adventure with me?" Spence asks, his eyes longing.

"What?" I ask, taken by surprise.

He steps closer to me, "Go on an adventure with me. It's our last day being a 'boyfriend / girlfriend couple' We get married tomorrow. So do it, go on an adventure with me." He says, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"O-Okay. Can we stop at home first? I wanna see the kids and I have a surprise for you." I say, a slight smile climbing onto my face.

"A surprise for me?" A bright smile beaming on his face, excitement bubbling up inside of him.

I nod, placing out my hand as he laces his fingers with mine.


Arriving home, I hand Spence a blindfold.

"Do I have to wear this?" He asks.

I giggle, "Only if you want the surprise to work." I respond, a blushed smile traveling onto my face.

"The last time a girl said that, I was made fun of by the entire school..." Spence says, a slight frown growing on his face.

"It's not like that, I promise." I say, looking him deeply in his eyes, holding his gaze for a solid minute.

He playfully rolls his eyes, "Fine. But if I run into a pole, it's on you." He says with a chuckle.

I giggle at the thought of Spence running into a pole, not in a mean way, just in a -- funny, chaotic way.

I get out of the car before running to his side of the car. I open his car door, guiding him out and leading him up to the pavement to the front steps.

I unlock the door as Spence impatiently bounces up and down in pace, attempting to keep himself warm as a strong, chilled breeze hits.

I lead Spence inside, turning on the lights, removing his blindfold slowly.

"Surprise!" I squeal, balloons filling the room.

A bright smile flashes on Spence's face, "What is this?" He asks, looking around the room.

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